***The Big Gym Rats 2016 Meet Ideas/Discussion Thread***

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004

After the shocking attempt at sorting a January meet, and the slow decline in numbers attending the other meets, I wanted to create a thread for everyone to discuss what they would like to see in the next meet.

Where? Gym? Outdoors with equipment? Expo?
Doing what?
Team events? Strongman? Powerlifting? Mix?
Food after?
Staying over?

^^ These aren't a list of questions to answer, just more ideas of the sort of things I'd like you to post. Anything I've not included above but you'd like to suggest, do it.

Basically, just everyone contribute suggestions as to what would make them put their name down and sign up. Then at the end of it, we can try and put together a meet that would satisfy as many of these as possible at a time when the most people can attend

I really want the next meet to be a massive success and have a big attendance :) but it would appear me going off and sorting it on my own isn't working anymore, so I want your input
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Where? Gym? Outdoors with equipment? Expo?
I'd prefer gym or outdoors with equipement, not a massive fan of spending my day in a cramped exhibition hall even with you handsome bros.
Booked up for pretty much all of May but any other time I can make time to be there,
Doing what?
Team events? Strongman? Powerlifting? Mix?

I wouldn't mind a mix although something team/strongman based tickles my testies the most
Food after?
Of course need to embarass myself
Staying over?
I'd be up for this is there was a decent number of us to go out and have a few beers and eye up a sloot or 2
Bro, that list wasn't really stuff for you to answer as such, just an example of things that people can suggest. I'm more interested in the specifics.

Like food, I know food is pretty much a given but what food do people want. If you know a particular restaurant in a particular town/city that does epic challenges and can house 10-15, or hopefully more bros, then as long as there is a suitable place to lift nearby then we could look at that. But it doesn't have to be that, as long as everyone likes the sound of it, no matter what kind of food it is, we can do it

And again the "Where? Gym? Outdoors? Expo?", I wasn't limited it to this there but just giving examples. Happy for other suggestions if people can think of any and others are interested

I just want people to post exactly what they'd like, forget anything I've posted or any format we've followed in the past, this is a completely blank canvas
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why not start with a poll, who would attend a meet in the first place. No point asking for specifics if ultimately only 5 people are interested.

We have a lot of new comers to the gym rats thread and section but some of the older crew have dropped off, the gap isn't being filled by the new attendees however.

So two things need to happen, newbies need to join in, and the old guard need to stop slacking.

Personally for me meets have to be close enough for it to not be a complete ball ache to attend - willing to travel 1.5 hrs by car.

The other big factor in me wanting to attend or not is how my lifting is going at the present time. My lifting has taken a big step back due to injury and major slacking especially over the last year and so my desire to travel and then not lift is limited/harder to justify to myself.

Happy to take part in anything that is put together regards strongman or lifting challenges like previous indoor meets.

Food is always great, happy to attend any place, but again depending on travel home time and timing of the meet plays a part. Dinner at 8pm for example and then a 1.5-2hr journey home no thanks jeff.

Staying over - very unlikely although I would be up for it - for me, with a family and a wife who works longer hours then me its hard to justify swanning off for the weekend and leaving her with our daughter.


Will attend meets if close enough, my lifting is back on track and it doesn't feel like a waste of a day.
Big gyms are good as well as outdoor activities. I think it can be intimidating for new lifters who may not be as strong - but it should not be seen as a "show off" meet. More of a let's help each other along meet. The problem is when the meets are too big, you don't really get a training session in.

Strongman meets are good fun though if the weather's good. :)

Maybe none gym stuff, like a theme park, or rock climbing or go ape type of things may be fun.

Locality is important to a lot of people.

Personally expos for me aren't that interesting unless it's a technology or car expo, but even then they're often over crowded and just a pain.

If there's a gym that's big enough for everyone to go and do some exercise, then that could work, but places that are crowded and where you end up "cooling down" I guess is a bit off putting too as you cannot get into your groove. But I guess you don't have to lift and you can just enjoy the banter and company of those around you.
I'd be keen to attend a meet if one were to actually happen! Unlikely to be able to attend pre 2017 though truthfully, surgery coming up in a month and a longish recovery period.

Location will always be tricky for me and an overnight stay is pretty much a guarantee too given that I'll be coming from Guernsey, name the place and I'd get there though!
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