The bike collection (as promised)

18 Oct 2002
Finally have pictures of most of the bikes now, didn't unfortunately get any of the MV Agusta 1078RR Brutale or the 1078RR F4 before they got swapped out for the Ducati but I do have some others.

Ducati Monster Tricolore



KTM RC8's, the first one is my Dad's, the second is mine that got delivered today :D

My Dad's has all the orange bolts on it and has the single seat, I've just not got around to removing my pillion seat and foot pegs yet.




Finally the Ducati 1098R, this one has the full race system on it which you can usually only get in the US, nearly 200bhp and it only weighs a shade over 160kg dry.


Man, I'd hate you if you didn't have such good tate, and weren't such a nice guy, and appear fairly well grounded, and all the rest :p

Keep up the good work, I'll continue to save for *one* second hand 600RR :D

Lovely bike the 600RR, I've never owned one but I've always thought it was such a beautiful looking machine, you'll enjoy it I'm sure!!
He needs a desmo tbh :p

I have no problem admitting that neither my Dad or I are good enough riders to get the most out of any bike, let alone the Desmo! For your "average" rider the 1098R is supposedly quicker thanks to the full race traction control system on it.

I may be able to drive cars pretty much to their limit but I'm in no way anything more than average on a bike :)
here we go

Honestly iceman, it says a lot about your character that theres only 1 post i could find about your cars.

The fact you've remained so modest, despite your family obviously doing very well for themselves, is a credit to your parents.

Well thank you, saved me a job too!! I've always thought of myself as just any other guy, just because I come from a wealthy family and have money myself doesn't make me any better than anyone else. Some of my best friends are some of the poorest people I know. It's nice to have a good lifestyle but in all honesty it means very little if no-one wants to spend any time with you!
Well IceyPants, those are all well and good, but as I'm sure you can appreciate they can't hold a candle to my SV650. It's the Sport model don't you know! :P

To be fair, I bet I know which I'd rather be riding after 2/3 hours.... It wouldn't be any of ours.
Couple of additions to the collection.

First off, I replaced my RC8 with a carbon fibre decked Ducati 848. Excuse the indoor pics, weather has been awful.



Then to go alongside the 1098R, a brand spanking new Desmosedici.


The 1098 isn't a normal one, it's the R which *is* the WSB bike for this year, complete with traction control. I didn't like the weight of the RC8 so decided I wanted something a little more lively. The 1098R isn't an easy bike to ride, the 848 I can do long rides on, nor does it have the terrifying power of the R, believe me it's savage.

We've had every MV going over the last year including a 1078RR and an F4 312. They may look pretty but they are not great as bikes, very out of date now compared to what else is out there. Could have easily had a Tamborini for the price of the desmo but unlike the desmo which is a race bike the Tamborini is simply an F4 with expensive bits on it.
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If anyone wants higher resolution pics then just let me know and I'll post them up.

Tom_nieto , no we don't own any classic bikes, had some pretty special classic racing cars but no bikes sadly.
Well the bikes are kept in the UK since the roads out here in Florida are rather dull to be honest with you. This of course means I don't get to ride them all that often but it's nice to go home and visit my parents a few times a year and go obviously weather permitting enjoy the bikes.

The Desmo is of course my Father's, no doubt i'll get to ride it when I'm back next time but i'm pretty sure he'll keep that one to himself as much as possible!

My Father's retired 4/5 years ago now and I guess the Desmo made a nice 50th for himself. He was Chairman of Crosby Homes and a main board Director of the parent company Berkeley Homes too.

I'm a pilot myself but I've had a couple of very successful businesses that I've sold, with a very exciting opportunity coming up over the next couple of years. Not that I can actually work here in the US until next March anyway as I'm waiting on my work permit still ; however I have the Porsche here so it's not all bad. Oh and lets not forget the sun...
can i be cheeky too and ask who you fly/flew for?

No-one right now, will be flying corporate though hopefully. However with the market how it is right now in the US, I'm holding off on my type rating until things get better. No point blowing $20-$30k when there's little chance of being picked up.

As for the tax disc, on both KTM's it was moved to another place so it wouldn't interfere :p

I have to admit though, whilst I changed my KTM RC8 for the 848, I did find it the most comfortable superbike I've ever ridden and other than (IMO) a little jumpy fueling low down it was incredibly easy to ride. I hadn't ridden a bike for 4 years, got on that and felt immediately at home.
Is there an FI bike that isn't a bit lumpy low-down? My SV seemed to experience it too :/ Had to keep the revs up to keep things smooth. Moh.

True, it is better than most V's at the low end but I still found it far too snatchy when taking roundabouts and very tight corners. I'm not an expert rider, I'm not too proud to admit that but the KTM is a lot worse than the 848 at the low end for that. I'm not alone in this either, if you check the KTM forums, there's a good amount of people that are having the same issue I am. It is however rectified by replacing the exhaust with the Akra one because you also get the remap at the same time.

Given the choice of spending ~3k on the exhaust (expensive at the moment) or this very unique 848, I was rather tempted by the Ducati... My 848 has a full Termi system, not just the cans, different ECU, about 5k's worth of carbon as well. All of course for 2.5% less in taxes :p Not to mention ; the KTM was getting old anyway, it nearly had 700 miles on it ;)
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