The book of unwritten tales 2

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
I picked this up as I am a bit of an adventure fan (point and click style) and loved this. £20.99 on GOG, so if you like adventure games give it a look. Anyone else out there like me?

Certainly makes a nice change to shooting people in the face :D
Wanted to try these and more as I loved point and click but I just can't play em anymore which makes me sad I dunno what it is but I think my attention span is so low these days I can't play anything more than 10 mins. That and probably am spending more time on films and anime than I do at the PC desk than I used to due my new big TV and xbmc setup.
Wanted to try these and more as I loved point and click but I just can't play em anymore which makes me sad I dunno what it is but I think my attention span is so low these days I can't play anything more than 10 mins. That and probably am spending more time on films and anime than I do at the PC desk than I used to due my new big TV and xbmc setup.

I can understand where you are coming from and an hour in, I was itching to get back to TW3 but after staying with it for a few hours, I was really enjoying it. I am also a big Anime fan but not seen anything for ages :(
I used to play point and clicks all the time, played all the lucasarts and sierra ones. These days i prefer them darker and grittier like Gabriel Knight rather than comedic/cartoony, unfortunately there doesnt seem to be many about like that. Finished a few recently i quite enjoyed Moebius and Cognition as well as Gabriel Knight remake.
I used to play point and clicks all the time, played all the lucasarts and sierra ones. These days i prefer them darker and grittier like Gabriel Knight rather than comedic/cartoony, unfortunately there doesnt seem to be many about like that. Finished a few recently i quite enjoyed Moebius and Cognition as well as Gabriel Knight remake.

The Longest Journey, Dreamfall and Dreamfall chapters fit into that category as well and a series I really enjoy.
I used to play point and clicks all the time, played all the lucasarts and sierra ones. These days i prefer them darker and grittier like Gabriel Knight rather than comedic/cartoony, unfortunately there doesnt seem to be many about like that. Finished a few recently i quite enjoyed Moebius and Cognition as well as Gabriel Knight remake.

Dark point 'n' clicks you say? You could pick up The Cat Lady or Tormentum for cheap most probably. Not world beaters, admittedly, but good for a change of pace.
I have no mouth and must screem, is a dark one.

I watched a 'lets play' of this the whole way through. It's a bit before my time and I've not played it personally, but good grief, talk about dark!

The person playing it knew exactly what to do; I remember thinking parts of it would be neigh on impossible if you didn't know what to do.
Dark point 'n' clicks you say? You could pick up The Cat Lady or Tormentum for cheap most probably. Not world beaters, admittedly, but good for a change of pace.

oh yeah The Cat Lady I did play that one. that was awesome, ill check out tormentum!

I have no mouth and must screem, is a dark one.

Never did play that one, may give it a go.
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Is it the fact that were going older which determines our attention span to games? I can't last more than 5 minutes unless the game captivates me and draws me in but not many do that nowadays to be honest.... back in the day I used to game for hours but now I just can't be bothered anymore.

Only games I still play a lot is L4D2 and FIFA but that ****** me off so much so I barely last on there for long as well! even DiRT Rally I was sucked into but now I just cant be arsed, mind you when new content comes I'll be back on it, I should really finish Alien Isolation but it's repetitive.
Is it the fact that were going older which determines our attention span to games? I can't last more than 5 minutes unless the game captivates me and draws me in but not many do that nowadays to be honest.... back in the day I used to game for hours but now I just can't be bothered anymore.

Only games I still play a lot is L4D2 and FIFA but that ****** me off so much so I barely last on there for long as well! even DiRT Rally I was sucked into but now I just cant be arsed, mind you when new content comes I'll be back on it, I should really finish Alien Isolation but it's repetitive.

As a 45 year old gamer, I can understand this. I tend to go 4/5 months and play crap loads and then 4/5 months with bitty play. Every now and then I fire up a game, 5 mins in and think "I just can't be bothered". But I have been enjoying my games a lot lately and hope it stays that way.
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