The Bounty (1984)

30 Dec 2003
Anyone seen it?

I personally think its very under-rated and one of my most favorite films of all time.

Mel Gibson
Anthony Hopkins
Laurence Olivier
Edward Fox
Daniel Day-Lewis

Brilliantly acted, great music from vangelis (the same composer who did the music for blade runner), beautiful island scenery, stunning photgraphy and hot topless native women :eek:

youtubage -

it's on tonight 10pm Sky Cinema 1 , i expect to be thanked for the heads up tomorrow :cool:
Its one of the best films ever.
On the day it was released on video I bought a Ferguson stereo video recorder which cost me £599 and The Bounty was the first video I played on it. I plugged my headphones into the socket and was blown away by the stereo sound. I kept pulling my headphones off and rewinding so my wife could hear the stereo sound quality (she wasn't impressed).
Hopkins was good, but both he and Mel Gibson were woefully too old for their parts: at the time of the mutiny Bligh was 34 and Christian 24. This is important as the youth and relative inexperience of both men was a factor in the mutiny. It was interesting to see the film cover Bligh epic boat voyage after the mutiny though.

I just wish David Lean had lived long enough to make the trilogy he wanted to about the mutiny. That would have been one film about the events leading up to the day, one about Bligh's voyage in the launch, and one about what happened to the mutineers.

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