The Bourne Conspiracy for X360 and PS3

4 Aug 2006
Came across this yesterday and haven't noticed anyone put a thread up so i thought i would. The game is apparently based from both the
Bourne novels by Robert Ludlum as well as the films of the same name.

First link with 3 screens

Second link with a little more info

It looks very similar to Splinter Cell: Conviction i just hope that they don't screw it up because it looks interesting. Also this seems to
confirm the leak about a week ago about MS's announcements at E3, this was on the list along with Ninja Gaiden 2 and a Metal Gear solid project :eek:
Andybtsn said:
Looks promising. They actually in game shots?

They seem to be, the first one doesn't look spectacular but the other two aren't bad. I'm looking forward to seeing it in motion at E3 though.
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