The Bourne Ultimatum trailer

The first film was great loved the fight sequences and then they ruined the second one with absolutely stupid shaky cam action scenes.
Im hoping this isn't the same.
I walked past a film crew shooting scenes for this a couple of weeks ago. Which surprised me as I would have expected them to have finished filming ages ago if it's a summer release.
didn't know what to do this afternoon, i'll whack on my bourne dvd's, only seen the films once each :)
Looks a bit too much like supremacy, from the clips. Hopefully time will prove me wrong. Not that supremacy wasn't amazing, it was just slightly different from Identity, both are utterly amazing imo.
I remember posting a thread a couple months back asking when the trailer was gonna be released, and to this day I totally forgot about it. Can't wait.
maddog said:
The first film was great loved the fight sequences and then they ruined the second one with absolutely stupid shaky cam action scenes.
Im hoping this isn't the same.
Yeah although I love the Bourne films I was not a fan of the shaky cam in Supremacy. By no means did it ruin the film for me as it did some people.

Robosapien said:
Looks a bit too much like supremacy, from the clips. Hopefully time will prove me wrong. Not that supremacy wasn't amazing, it was just slightly different from Identity, both are utterly amazing imo.
I don't think there is enough of Ultimatum to really compare yet. There will know doubt be longer trailers released soon. Hopefully not as long as the trailer for Shooter that was on before 300, was practially the whole film!
I hope it's going to be good. I enjoyed the first two. Quite different form the books apparently. I've got them to read after I finish with the Bond books.
moid said:
Let see if it can match up to the book!

That is going to be blummin difficult considering the direction the 1st two films took, making content of the book (ultimatum) far removed from the movie.

Good films though, some of my favourite from recent years. Can't say the same about the books, didn't find them an enjoyable read.
I can't wait for this third one to come out. I only discovered there were three books the other week.

Bit gutted they killed off Franka Potente in the second one...she hawt...
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