Two years running now I've been ill on crimbo day. Last year was just a cold, but this year I've had proper man flu for the last 4 weeks or so, never really coming to anything and not going away either. Strange, as I'm normally not ill, period, have never had a day off ill, and never take medicine!
Now, I'm pholocodined up, paracetomol'd up, with a twist of Corsodyl for the humungous ulcers littering the back of my throat!
Merry Christmas!!!
I'm sure my turkey will just taste of medicine tomorrow anyway!
Now, I'm pholocodined up, paracetomol'd up, with a twist of Corsodyl for the humungous ulcers littering the back of my throat!
Merry Christmas!!!
I'm sure my turkey will just taste of medicine tomorrow anyway!