The COD Cash Cow Lives On !

No matter what the keyboard-armed masses of the internet might say, the simple fact of the matter is the games sell by the truck-load. While they continue to do so, they will make more.

I would find it rather amusing to find out how many people on this board alone have ranted in the past about previous CoD games, and then bought MW3 this week :).
to the OP: So what?
The games sell a lot, whether you like them or not is a different matter and people will buy the next one like they did mw2 and bo and mw3.

I bought BO and MW2 but giving 3 a miss, doesnt mean others cant enjoy the game if their heavily into the series.
While they still keep selling they will keep making them. Franchises are, sadly, the current trend in the games industry. Yearly iterations means that investment on the engine can be maximised.

Though with the user metacritic reviews I am not sure why people are buying it... :D
There are still that certain type of gamer out there that will suck whatever needs sucking to get a new CoD game. They blind/stupid in my mind but nevertheless; if they exist then Activision-Blizzard will milk it until it dies.
Though with the user metacritic reviews I am not sure why people are buying it... :D

Because everyone has different tastes, too many times people have spouted good and bad things about a game on this forum, yet i've found my views to be completely different, which shows it's best to make your own decisions.
Because everyone has different tastes, too many times people have spouted good and bad things about a game on this forum, yet i've found my views to be completely different, which shows it's best to make your own decisions.

The smiley was meant to suggest it was a joke. There seems to be a concerted effort to apply low scores to MW3 on Metacritic.
While anyone is free to criticize any COD game they've played, it's not on to criticize and insult people who play the game.

IW, Sledgehammer and Treyarch make COD games that sell millions every year, so why would Activision ask them to do anything else?

It's a bit like Kraft Foods asking Cadbury to stop making chocolate and make cars instead.
Its funny how things like this seem to generate haters who think they are somehow "cooler" because they dont like what everyone else does and sneer at/talk down to them as well.
I have looked through the last four or five pages of this section and cannot find anything, so here we go, plz remove if already posted somewhere..........

A new COD for 2012 ! Didn't they release one lately.....;title

Sorry can't hyper link, not working.

Theres an official thread where this stuff gets debated, vehemently i might add, this would be perfectly at home there.
CoD is successful because it has NO competition what so ever, if company's are tired of Activision being a successful business they need to step up and produce something that fits in the market where Call of Duty sits. If they don't want to they have no place to complain.


Oh wait, they release a new COD every year...

A new COD every year for the last five years and your shocked theres a 2012 release announced :rolleyes: lets remember that it will be from the other half of the franchise too. hopefully with a new twist ala WaW, maybe future soldier or something but that by the by.
While anyone is free to criticize any COD game they've played, it's not on to criticize and insult people who play the game.

Quoted for truth, people are too fast to tar users with a brush of hatred because of there choice of game. quite pathetic really.

Oh wait, they release a new COD every year...

So is Battlefield pretty much, i can honestly expect BF:BC3 next Fall.

What i do hope, is this is the last game to do with Captain Price etc, as it would be a good time to end the storyline now and move on to something else.
So is Battlefield pretty much, i can honestly expect BF:BC3 next Fall.

What i do hope, is this is the last game to do with Captain Price etc, as it would be a good time to end the storyline now and move on to something else.

As long as people keep buying and playing, they'll keep making :)

To be hinest, if they didn't make one a year, people would probably complain :P
As long as people keep buying and playing, they'll keep making :)

To be hinest, if they didn't make one a year, people would probably complain :P

Well, i assume you saw the news reports about the proper fanboys threatening people at gunpoint? I expect it to be worse if they stopped tbh.
Quite shocking just how far overboard the yanks will go, slightly amusing as well, as long as no one get hurt of course!
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