The current strength of the British pound

5 Aug 2006
A mate moved to texas 2 years ago. 1 year ago I went to visit on an exhange rate of 1.93 from the post office, and got lots of cheap clothes which in my mind helped ofset the cost of the flight (as I needed clothes anyway and they cost a LOT here).

I was planning to go next year - but the current rate (again off the post office) is just under 1.70.

I am a student and dont have masses of money but I didnt realise the pound had dropped so much so quickly! I am seriously wondering if I can still go.
Last time I stayed at his house, so accomodation was free. This time we were going to his house again but were going to get a last minute hol for a week in the USA while we were there, assuming it would cost very little in terms of our money.

Is it likely to drop further (against US dollar and Euro)??. I expect so, but I have no sensible reasons or proof to back it up.
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And assuming your taking £2000 does your holiday really rest upon £300-400?

In 2003 the rate was $1.5=£1.

I didnt know it was as low as that as I was only 14/15 then:p

I would not be taking £2000. I was hoping about £650 flight with insurance, although flight prices have claimed quite a lot in the last year.

Was hoping for flight plus circa $1500, so yes the holiday could easily rest on that much, as if it is leaning towards the £2000 total mark I would just say **** that I can pay a huge chunk towards my uni fees this year:)
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