The Disclosure Project

12 Oct 2003
I just watched a new video from the disclosure project on google and i have to say it seems true because if you take the time to watch the videos and read up on it its all very credible.

First Video

New Video

Its worth watching but if you have to at least skip bits on the first video to get an idea as some witness reports are very interesting, watch the second to get a better understanding of what is wanted from disclosure of the truth.
Well the truth is coming and it may not be good but at least you might be more prepared for the times ahead because some big stuff is about to go down on earth.

We all know things like global warming, peak oil, wars, more 1984 style control of the masses etc are coming and are even already here but if this can be prevented and fixed then surely that's more important than most of the stuff we see on the news and the trivial stuff that we worry about now, its time the greed for power and money stopped and the human race grows up.

Here's some good videos on ufo's that are quite interesting but more importantly appear to be for real.

Nasa's Secret Transmissions

Secret Space part 1
Secret Space part 2
Secret Space part 3
Secret Space part 4
Secret Space part 5
I know its a sad state of affairs when the truth is hidden and made to seem silly because that's what they want, call it a paranoid delusion or conspiracy if you like but there's some information out there now that will upset most people when they come to realise its true, this is understandable but lets face it there's enough crazy stuff in the world today and people still don't seem to really care until it affects them.

Don't live in ignorance because this stuff will affect us all at some point.
Don't be a fool this isn't someone crying wolf on a whim the facts are out there and you can find them yourself, people are so caught up in the trivial things in life that they don't stop enough to think about the bigger picture, the world isn't what you think so wake up.
AcidHell2 said:
All a load of rubbish...

Got any proof of that very presumptuous claim?

You say that as if its fact but how much research on the subject have you done exactly?

I would sooner believe what's said by these very credible people than some random posting on an internet forum just saying "its all a load of rubbish" probably without even really looking at any of the evidence.

MookJong said:
You sound very passionate but sadly this is often what puts others off listening...

Well when you actually care about where the world is heading its hard not to get a bit would up by the mass ignorance there is.

Beansprout said:
What didn't impress me was how he told me the way I live my life is trivial..

I am not trying to impress you but not trying to offend either, when I say trivial lets face it much stuff is and I certainly never said family, friends and the important things if life are but what the silly media and stuff people think about that doesn't matter in the scheme of things is.
AcidHell2 said:
6)Then you have sleep paralysis ( that can explain pretty much all alien kidnappings and weired going on. I've had several of these myself. Never seen aliens, but I have had the sense of dark beings, also a flaming devil...

I've also had sleep paralysis but never felt a bad presence just a presence so i can see how that would cause many to think they've been abducted, as for the other stuff well its obvious there's a lot r&d into new tech from governments and secret projects which is part of the reason why we are being kept in the dark so much, i guess that stuff can account for some sightings but not all and remember that doesn't mean they don't have world changing technologies that could improve the world.
NathanE said:
I'm absolutely in awe of that guy being able to ramble on for 1.5hrs trying to convince you that common space debris is alien UFOs :/ Oddly the guy says clearly at one point "I am not a scientist". Right, so WTF is he doing studying space debris, forming his own questionable conclusions and then publishing this video?!

As far as i could tell he kept himself pretty well sceptical and wasn't trying to convince us of anything as the video evidence speaks for itself, there's some quite strange phenomena which you can clearly see and hear from the astronauts and mission control which they often get confused about.
There's a lot of unbelievable stuff as well as some convincing so sorting through what could be true or not is hard but i think more info is getting out with the internet, the good thing is we now have places like google video so we can just watch and get a better look at this stuff plus its more interesting than reading all the time. :)
Watch secret space part 4 which contains some of that nasa footage and others, the whole video itself is more about secret goings on, fake moon landing and dark powers that are said to control the world, there's some very interesting stuff shown so its a must watch if only for some entertainment.
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