The Discontinued Snack :WHAT WOULD YOU RESURRECT?

6 Jan 2009
Ok just a bit of fun GD, Idea stolen from elsewhere but brought to the OCUK masses for continuation.

I belive that this will get more interest in GD than food so here we go.

If you could resurrect one discontinued food of all time. what would it be? And why?

Please (where possible) provide pictures.

For me It would have to be these:


why? Because they where awesome and melted in your mouth! I miss Cartoonies :(

Freschetta pizzas. Bit more substantial than a snack I guess but we were discussing them at work today. No longer available in the UK. :( As frozen pizzas go they were pretty good.
Ten pence puffs crisps, the ones that would schread your mouth if you weren't careful. Om Nom Nom.

Not really a snack as such but there needs to be a return of the Heinz baked bean pizza's
The proper Lemon & Scampi Nik-Naks. They used to be disgustingly strong - a teacher at uni hosed me down with air freshener once cos I ate 3 bags at lunch and I reeked of fish.

Totally unlike her on a hot day, then. :rolleyes:
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