maybe even 3 striker and 3 predator, and bin the MR for an AR.
Set Bonus (2):
+20% Enemy Armor Damage
Set Bonus (3):
+50% Critical Hit Damage
Set Bonus (2):
+20.0% Optimal Range
Set Bonus (3):
+800 Assault Rifle Damage
+700 Pistol Damage
i might try and get 2 hunters faith for
Set Bonus (2):
+20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Chance
and stick with at least 3 strikers for the crit and armour damage
I like the idea of
2 x sentry - +30% Headshot Damage
3 x striker - +20% Enemy Armor Damage, +50% Critical Hit Damage
1 x savage gloves - 13% Crit chance
But 2 x tacts might be an option for the skill power
None are bad ideas!
I wish I could (you don't want to be on the business end of my FW M1A then lol):
4x Sentry: +30% Headshot Damage / +20% Damage to Elites / increasing the damage inflicted on the target with a Marksman Rifle by 52%
2x Hunter's Faith: +20% Marksman Rifle Critical Hit Chance
1x Tactician's Authority (gloves I have): + ~2300 Marksman Rifle DMG
* I think for when running about with an M1A and SMG I'll use:
4x Sentry
2x Hunter's Faith
* I need something for ARs because I love ARs so:
3x (or 4x**) Predator's Mark: +20.0% Optimal Range / +800 Assault Rifle Damage, +700 Pistol Damage (** / Hit 10 shots without switching target to make the enemy bleed for 100% of damage already done by those bullets = awesome!)
3x (or 2x) Striker's (?).
I'll need to take into account Tactician's as well, I have 2
very nice 240s and throwing them in the mix might prove very helpful. I think I'll be watching a lot of you guys and YT
I don't see the point of using Marksman Rifles in the DZ and for that matter more than 2 or 3 Sentry's post 1.2. I use it now and again just to get it out but there's no need to at all. Massive wanted people to look at other weapons than SMGs but with these new sets they've done nothing at all for those still wanting to wield one - nothing specific, I mean. Bit disappointing, although there are plenty of general bonusses that work with any weapon type. However, I'd rather have seen the +700 Pistol DMG being SMG damage.