The Division. Are we interested?

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Was'nt a bad night, leveled up one in the DZ, now DZ73, with my main character. Also got some stat increases with my latest alt and leveled up to 26 and DZ19.
Did'nt manage to do FL CM but did do HM.
Bought the gloves(240) in the BoO and managed to get my DPS up to 255k, without losing out else where.
Just got the Challenge to do on the dailies, weekly is finished. So, if you see me on later and fancy doing the daily challenge, hit me up.
Not very impressed with this weeks offering. Only thing that I might get is the 204 m44 bp.

204Vector is worse than my 182 mp5 and the 182 m1a s worst than my 182 m44
Epic runs tonight.

Had 3 CM FL in a row, then for the last 3?(correct me if im wrong) we had weird shotgun waves that seemed to roll heavily at wave 9. 8-12 in a row then.

Very weird how the shotgun population was spawning in these last few.

However, epic win for three in a row, but the rewards for me were the same lol! three tac packs which I cant really use right now

It was great, I ended up with a 240 Tach knee, a 214 tach vest and a 214 sentry pack. I think we failed twice after due to the shot gunners? Can't remember and I was so tired lol and that didn't help the team but great fun and great results.

For anyone who hasn't done it before, I recorded us doing it but a bit of mild swearing very very occasionally, so can't link it. Just look at my last Youtube upload :)
It was great, I ended up with a 240 Tach knee, a 214 tach vest and a 214 sentry pack. I think we failed twice after due to the shot gunners? Can't remember and I was so tired lol and that didn't help the team but great fun and great results.

For anyone who hasn't done it before, I recorded us doing it but a bit of mild swearing very very occasionally, so can't link it. Just look at my last Youtube upload :)

You can post a link, as long as you forewarn people, that the vid contains swearing. But you can't post the vid.
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