The Division. Are we interested?

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Sorry guys, HM FL was playing more like CM FL and so many bugs. Couldn't plant, couldn't revive people. Proper arghhhhhhh time :(

No worries Greg, I thought we were going to make that last does seem relentless :)

Wiping on wave 15 does leave a hollow taste! Thanks for leading the team through.

So actually thinking about CM FL, what about two mobile covers with extensions along with someone running the cover fortification for the shotgunners? If they were close enough they'd all get the increased dam res and damage output?
I did HM up there with Twirly, Nex and someone else (sorry I've forgotten who!), didn't seem too bad, you've been through it yourself so I'll take your word for it :p just thought it might be a viable option other than the chokehold that is the pit.

How'd you find it? Easier/harder than the pit or both the same?

Faster and about as easy as pit. With the DPS guys taking advantage of sentry, reckless and savage it's pretty much 2million plus crits for them which makes short work of shotgunners and snipers which are the only threat.

With one guy running tech support talent the immunizer is down for the full duration of the drone rounds so getting shocked is less of a problem.

Support players have an easy time regardless of strategy, they just need to ensure they pulse at the right times and have trapper up for as long as possible and ready as soon as it has timed out.
Going to be back online around 8/8:30. Going to have some food and go to the shops etc.

Would be quite up for a dz farm and a cm fl run if anyone wants?

Really need to get my credits up!! Want a few million by patch which i reckon i could do over the next few days with a few full stashes.
Going to be back online around 8/8:30. Going to have some food and go to the shops etc.

Would be quite up for a dz farm and a cm fl run if anyone wants?

Really need to get my credits up!! Want a few million by patch which i reckon i could do over the next few days with a few full stashes.

Exactly what i want to do.
Going to be back online around 8/8:30. Going to have some food and go to the shops etc.

Would be quite up for a dz farm and a cm fl run if anyone wants?

Really need to get my credits up!! Want a few million by patch which i reckon i could do over the next few days with a few full stashes.

If there's space I wouldn't mind joining for some farming and the odd mission. Very poor at the moment :(

Will be on around that time myself after I come home from work and have a quick snack.
Was in a group of 4 last night and headed into the DZ, everything was up and it was very quiet.... 4 hours later, 4 stashes filled went from DZ level 68 up to 74 :D Never saw another player :D
Was in a group of 4 last night and headed into the DZ, everything was up and it was very quiet.... 4 hours later, 4 stashes filled went from DZ level 68 up to 74 :D Never saw another player :D

Nice, just the way I like it, my own personal server :D

Had a few quiet servers like that over the last two months, makes for a great farming opportunity.
Cheers to prattler and commando--47 for the dz groups today. Gave a nice little boost to the xp without getting too griefed by pesky Russians..

Will be ranking as much as possible in the dz tomorrow too, want to try that 204 m44 bp..

Will try and remember to make sure mic and discord are working too.
Can I get some tips for this awkward period of leveling? lol

Just leveled up to L30 and started to do some daily/weekly/dz farming, but everyone either avoid grouping with me like plaque or getting slaughtered by manhunt because those guys prefer slaughtering low gearer instead of going into upper dz lol

Man this game pvp needs a lot more polishing if I'm being honest.
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