The Dublin Riots (video)

18 Oct 2002
Dublin city riots video here!:

Rioting in Dublin City (Republic of Ireland) in protest at the marching of the Northern Ireland Orange Order. Crowds of Irish republican ... all » counter-demonstrators burnt cars, smashed British-owned businesses and threw missiles and petrol bombs at Gardaí (Irish police) as they attempted to stop the march by the British loyalist paramilitary associated "LoveUlster" group.
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I think it's safe to say that the riots in Dublin have not tarnished the Republic's image. It was (I hope) a once off event that the Irish government can learn from. The Irish TV media paid no attention to the upcoming marches. It was only after the riots that there was two days of media coverage, nothing since then.

I do worry about the Queen visiting Dublin and the Loyalists proposing to march on the same day. I feel that the Loyalists want to march through the city to encourage more riots. If there are riots in Dublin during the Queen's visit, it would receive a lot of bad press and media coverage across the UK and the world. I believe that this is what the Loyalists are aiming for.

I don't mind the Queen visiting Dublin, but you're not going to see the Irish public waving Unions Jacks and singing 'God Save Her', welcoming her to the State. I do belive that it's a good jesture by the Irish government to further the positive relationship between Ireland and the UK. I'm not sure exactly what they Irish gov have planned, but I think her visit is going to be a private ceremony between the President, the Taoiseach and other government officials covered by the media only.

WJA96 said:
You are right of course about the Republic. However, I can assure you that visiting a Gaeltacht as a 'Brit' is a pretty chilly experience.

From my own experience, visiting An Ghaeltacht speaking in Irish with a Dublin accent can sometimes leave you with a chilling experience as well, it's not just the British. The majority of the peeps in the Gaeltacht don't care where you're from, though.
Orcish-Horde said:
Nothing sectarian in what I said but this thread is sectarian in its very nature which to me as a Unionist/loyalist says "You not welcome in our Ireland".

Unionists are welcome in my country, ANYONE is welcome here as far as I'm concerned, but if your sole reason is to come here and to protest against the Irish people and its government then you can stay the F out. The Loyalists were here to deliberately stir up trouble amongst the hot-headed republicans, either that or they're extremely thick.

If I was living in London (as an Irish national) and Irish republicans wanted to march in the city in protest at the British, I would be equally peed off. I don't like people reminding me of the depressing suffering of the Irish people over the past 800 years at the hands of the British. I don't want to be reminded of the innocent British people murdered as a result either. It's depresses me deeply :mad:

cyborg said:
I actually quite like that idea, a fully united british isles, but ireland is separate, in the same sense that scotland and wales are separate from england, thus governed internally.

It's sounds nice? Ireland never belonged to the UK in the first place, it was just another victim to the blood-hungry British empire. I'm very glad not to be part of a kingdom with such a terrible history and reputation in that regard. If Ireland was still part of the UK, it one just be one large bitter Northern Ireland. People would still be trying to rid Ireland of English occupation, it would be a place where I would not want to live in.

me227 said:
I really don't care who rules us. I just want whats best for N.Ireland be it throught less fighting or better industry and jobs and quality of living.

As we all do.
Orcish-Horde said:
Did it ever occure to you that we view the Irish as our murderous oppressor just as you view the English?

:p I don't view the English as murderous oppressors! that's all in the past. The majority of people in Northern Ireland don't view the Irish as murderous oppressors either, that's absolute nonsense. If I did have that view, I wouldn't have lived in the UK for 2 years and befriended many Brits! The only murderous oppressors are the Irish and British scumbag minority killing innocent people.

Orcish-Horde said:
At the same time when these poeple come to your capital to high light the actions for the IRA, you view it as an attempt to stir up trouble.

I really don't have an issue with IRA victims themselves marching in Dublin. ~But why bring the Orange Order, Union Jacks and other anti-Republican paraphernalia? The Loveulster rally was banned a few months ago from Belfast city centre by the police. How they were allowed to attempt a rally in Dublin is beyond me.

This is a comment posted by the admin of the official Love Ulster website: in a discussion about the proposed marches in Dublin:

"I can't wait to see the faces on the nationalists when the union-jacks and the ulster flags are flown"

Would you view such a comment as an attempt to stir up trouble in the Republic? I certainly do.
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