The Editors

2 Nov 2004
After I heard Bullets and Munich and then saw it at discount price, I purchased this CD...

Would others agree that there are only two decent songs on there and the rest are a little 'bland Morrisey' style songs, nothing too noteworthy?
Bought this CD yesterday. About 4 or 5 songs that I instantly liked, the rest will take more listening to get used to.

Good album, better than your average mush, but no classic imo.
I haven't had a chance to listen to this album properly yet but my initial reactions weren't that good apart from Munich...I turned it off after a few songs.
I'm a little unsure about this album myself. I'm currently up to four songs that I like; Munich, Blood, Fall and Bullets.

As people have already stated, it's an album that requires a lot of effort before you get anything out of it. The general mood of the album is, well, slightly monotone I suppose, but then this should be the ideal candidate for that "mood music" everyone needs from time-to-time.
Big Chris said:
Wow, one of the new crop of Indie bands ripping off stuff which was penned in the 80's? That's shocking...

Unthinkable that any reputable music broadcasting or written based publication would dream of perpetuating such a thing! :eek:
William said:
Unthinkable that any reputable music broadcasting or written based publication would dream of perpetuating such a thing! :eek:
It seems radio and popular music TV channels will play any old crap these days as long as NME say it's good. There are plenty of good bands out there not getting any of this type of coverage. Are you suggesting that because a band is on tv and in magazines then they must be good?

Bands like these guys and The Futureheads especially (and there's a long list of others too) don't seem to have brought anything new to music, they've taken ideas and style created by bands like The Smiths, The Jam etc back in the 80's and just copied them, plain and simple. The originals were never to my tastes but at least they actually came up with something new and didn't just rip someone else off.

And before people start banging on about bands having influences from earlier periods of musical history, I'm all for that as long as you add something of your own to at least try and make it unique. This lot might as well just be a covers band and free up some recording contracts for more worthy acts.
Im a big fan, saw them at my uni before i had heard their stuff and really enjoyed them, and was right at the front for them at reading this year (it was only about 1pm, still awesome tho).

Granted they're not forging a brand new musical path and do owe a lot to bands like joy division and interpol, but i think that theyre a pretty decent band. Lights, Blood, All Sparks, Munich, Fall are all great songs and some of their unreleased stuff is excellent. The album does lose momentum a bit towards the middle, but i think its pretty solid overall. They would probably skin the OP alive for calling them "The" Editors tho.
Big Chris said:
It seems radio and popular music TV channels will play any old crap these days as long as NME say it's good. There are plenty of good bands out there not getting any of this type of coverage. Are you suggesting that because a band is on tv and in magazines then they must be good?

Bands like these guys and The Futureheads especially (and there's a long list of others too) don't seem to have brought anything new to music, they've taken ideas and style created by bands like The Smiths, The Jam etc back in the 80's and just copied them, plain and simple. The originals were never to my tastes but at least they actually came up with something new and didn't just rip someone else off.

And before people start banging on about bands having influences from earlier periods of musical history, I'm all for that as long as you add something of your own to at least try and make it unique. This lot might as well just be a covers band and free up some recording contracts for more worthy acts.

My original statement was sarcasm, except its kind of hard to broadcast that using just text. :p

Basically I am saying that because somthing is being featured in the media it is seen by far too many people blindly as the forefront of musical achievement.
I remember hearing The Futureheads be described as "totally original and brilliant" last year and the term "Libertines Bandwagon" about 5 times a month. Now there is nothing wrong with that music, its just wrong that it has around 95% of the covereage whereas I think other sounds deserve a much bigger mention than irritating 1980s Smiths moaning or 4 bars stop, 4 bars, stop Strokes style guitar playing.

William said:
My original statement was sarcasm, except its kind of hard to broadcast that using just text. :p
haha, sorry dude, I thought you were being sarcastic to begin with, then I wasn't so sure so I gave you a mouthful anyway just to be sure! Apologies...
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