The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion unofficial Patch 3.4.0 HUGE LIST!!

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

v3.4.0 Fifteenth Release (2011 - Nov. - 06)

UOP Changes/Fixes

Added Bash tag C.Music, removed C.Water and updated tags in the ESP for version 2.79 and higher of Bash
Updated the UOP installer to Inno Setup v5.4.2
Cleaned Shivering Isles dialog references out of the ESP (it had been edited under the Shivering Isles ESM) in case the player doesn't have Shivering Isles installed to avoid rare crashes to desktop
Fixed introduced bug where closing the Fort Sutch oblivion gate while Allies for Bruma was underway would cause open city gates (and wreckage from closed gates) to disappear, making the quest impossible to complete, and fixed an error in the Fort Sutch quest's scripting
Reverted unexplained removal of magic effect from unused spell MS40TestSpell that was causing the Construction Set to complain
Restored fix for exploit of repeatedly talking to Garrus Darelliun at the end of the Corruption and Conscience quest to receive the quest reward; may have been accidentally removed
Removed renaming of "Silver Glass" item to "Silver Cup"; the latter may be more accurate but the former was unknowingly present in dialog
Reverted unexplained replacement of an invisible light source with an (unattached) hanging lamp in Kvatch's ruined Chapel of Akatosh
Removed unneeded/unused dialog/LIP files MS18_ServiceRefusal_00004674_1
Reverted changes to the enchantment magnitude of the Battle Axe of Jinxing and War Axe of Enfeeblement (UOPS), and the capacity of Claymore of Curses
Corrected oversight of the Adamus Phillida fix not working because UOPAdamusPhillidaSeveredFingerHands.NIF was accidentally omitted from the UOP
Removed the Open Cities compatibility script as it is no longer required
Changed the two static torch flames in the Sancre Tor Hub added by the UOP to use injected form IDs for better mod compatibility
The AI added by the UOP for Kiara (Brina Cross Inn) and the script added for Carandial to make his horse return to the stable when he comes home from the ruins are now properly assigned to them
The UOP fix "quests" for Servatius Quintillus and the Renegade Shadowscale quest will now stop when they have made their changes
The UOP fix "quest" for the quest item status of Llathasa's Bust was stopping another fix "quest" rather than itself; the incorrectly stopped quest has been assigned a new ID to be sure its functions are carried out
Cleaned out the following unnecessary, possibly accidentally added items from the UOP:
A Havok root in Fallen Rock Cave
A disabled light source in the Chorrol Chapel Hall
A disabled flame in the IC Arena
A basement support in The All-Saints Inn Lodging (IC Temple district)
Two disabled light sources in Chorrol Castle Private Quarters
An wall piece in the Imperial Palace Sewer
Four disabled light sources in the Chorrol Castle dungeon; two remaining which were disabled have been enabled
Four disabled light sources in the Bruma Castle Lord's Manor
Moved the following UOPS changes into a separate ESP ( UOPS Additional Changes.esp ) so that they are still available at player discretion:
Removal of magic effect from unused spell resource MS40TestSpell (caused the Construction Set to complain)
Undocumented change to magic stats. of Alval Uvani
Retroactive application of the missing +1 to Infamy if the player has completed the Dark Brotherhood's Affairs of a Wizard quest (if the player's infamy is already at 1 and has Knights installed, would force them to redo the Pilgimage, and possibly other effects)
Angalmo's visits to Chanel at Chorrol Castle (had never been assigned this package, needed conditions changed to only do so after Canvas the Castle and/or be added to the castle faction, or else he would get stuck inside the castle)
Marana Rian's visits to Bravil, essential status (had never been assigned the visit packages; was made essential as she is a master trainer so wouldn't die in the wilderness and be unable to train. Did not seem in keeping with her character as she is reasonably well-off and extols the Temple District as a place to live, yet visits filthy Bravil without the excuse of friends, relatives or a skooma addiction. Also split her visit package for the separate plug-in to avoid the crossing-midnight bug)
A line of dialog for Marana Rian in the training quest: "Well, there it is..." (this is when she agrees to train the player, so was being made non-essential at this point)
Undoing of UOP changes to the enchantments on the Battle Axe of Jinxing and War Axe of Enfeeblement (enchantment was determined for the UOP to be too large for the progression of the series and was switched to the next smaller one)
Change of Reach value of the tutorial dungeon Goblin staff to one from zero (other zero-reach staffs were similarly changed in the UOPS but this appears to have been undone as of 3.3.7)
AI package ChorrolChatChapelSteps20x4 (was fixed though it is not used by any NPC)
Battle Axe of Enfeeblement added to leveled list LL0LootWeapon0Magic4Dwarven100 (was already one with a similar effect there)
Tempest (shock-damage ebony claymore) added to leveled list LL0LootWeapon0Magic7Ebony100 (was already one with a similar effect there)
Dagger of Weakness, Battle Axe of Weakness, and Immolator (fire damage elven claymore) added to leveled list LL0LootWeapon0Magic5Elven100 (these weapons are still available from dead NPCs so were not omitted from the game)
Battle Axe of Diminishing and Dagger of Diminishing added to leveled list LL0LootWeapon0Magic2Steel100 (these weapons are still available from dead NPCs so were not omitted from the game)
Warhammer of Strain added to leveled list LL0NPCWeapon0MagicWarhammer100 (this weapon is still available from loot containers and merchants so was not omitted from the game)
War Axe of Sapping added to leveled lists LL0NPCWeapon0MagicWaraxe100 and LL0NPCWeapon0MagicWaraxeLvl100 (these weapons are still available from dead NPCs and loot chests so were not omitted from the game)
Warhammer of Strain and Warhammer of Sapping added to leveled list LL0NPCWeapon0MagicWarhammerLvl100 (these weapons are still available from dead NPCs and loot chests so were not omitted from the game)
Immolator (fire damage elven claymore) and Tempest (shock-damage ebony claymore) added to leveled lists FGNPCWeapon0MagicClaymoreLvl100 and SQ02LL0NPCWeapon0MagicClaymoreLvl100 (already ones with similar effects there)

Game Mechanics / Crash Fixes

The player will no longer be able to mount a horse while already sitting on something else, causing instant critical graphic unplayability requiring a reload, and possibly crashing Oblivion to desktop
(Partially) fixed crash to desktop if the Everscamps that follow the player if the Whom Gods Annoy quest is running die in an Ayleid poison gas trap (made them immune to poison; will still crash on resurrection if something else kills them in the gas. This is all that could be done without noticeably changing them or using bad solutions such as PlaceAtMe)
Fixed crash to desktop that could occur after renting a room at several inns (one of which is Jerrall View in Bruma) which also will resolve room rent never resetting so the bed remained usable for the rest of the game
Fixed crash to desktop if the player was in the area of Kvatch caused by M'aiq the Liar's AI to find calipers; he will no longer do this
Fixed stacking bug exploit whereby the player could create unlimited numbers of Black Soul Gems at necromancer altars without consuming Grand Soul Gems if player-filled ones were used (unavoidable side effect is that player-filled unconverted Grand Soul Gems in the altar will become empty, but the souls would be lost on conversion anyway)
Corrected the engine's offset error in the player's skillset which meant that serving a jail sentence did not affect all available skills, including that the intended and documented possible increase(s) to Sneak and Security would never appear (requires OBSE)
NPCs will no longer lose pathing through open sewer grates due to a scripting error that caused them to unlink pathgrids when they were open (supposed to do this when closed)
Fixed the pressure plates and stair switch activator in Vahtacen Lorsel (Mages Guild Vahtacen's Secret quest) not working if the player left the cell and it reset, which could break the questline (also fixed minor error of the pressure plates not animating when triggered)
Fixed the push block in Anga not not working if the player left the cell and it reset, making two high-level Ayleid Reliquaries inaccessible
The player will no longer be able to trigger the post-Main-Quest Akatosh statue from outside the Temple of the One (Imperial City) and so receive two blessings per day (also optimized the scripting on it)
The Barbas (dog) section of the Clavicus Vile daedric shrine will no longer be its own activator with its own script as it could get out of synch with the main Clavicus Vile activator script
Improved the fix to the Guard class: restored the Marksman skill, and removed Athletics so that Light Armor skill can remain (note that the MMM check in the scripting will only take effect on a new game)
Corrected more errors in the ROAD record NPC's use to map their travels in Cyrodiil to fix four areas where sub-optimal pathing was taking place
Turned quest flag and/or enabled No Low-Level Processing flag for numerous NPCs who did not require them which will reduce the amount of AI processing that is required (if OBSE is present, a script will apply the Low-Level Processing changes to an existing save; otherwise it will take effect on a new game)
Optimized scripting for streetlights so there will not be an FPS drain if they are disabled and re-enabled
Fixed the same timer bug for the individual altars as was earlier fixed for the Nine Divines altars, where the player would be unable to use the altar if the last time they used it was one week ago (it was using the day of the week as the timer variable)
Optimized the scripting on the altars of the Nine Divines
The Arena betting script will now work properly if the player's Luck attribute is either 99 or greater than 100
The countereffects to the Absorb Magicka effect are now correctly Damage Magicka and Drain Magicka, rather than Damage Fatigue and Drain Fatigue
Blood and Mana fountains in Oblivion planes and the Favor of Akatosh restoration will no longer fail to affect the player due to spell reflection and/or absorption
Various powers, lesser powers and spells acquired from runestones have been made immune to silencing (the latter were made lesser powers to facilitate this)
Spells from shrines, wells, stones, etc., have all been set to a zero magicka cost to avoid spell failure
The Altar of Zenithar will now provide the correct blessing to NPC's, not the blessing of Akatosh
Removed an extra endif to correct the scripts DABoethiaCageOpenScript01, MG09Script, MG19ChestScript and RufioDie_Script

Quest Fixes

If the player is expelled from the Mages Guild before the Main Quest's Path of Dawn quest, this will no longer cause Tar-Meena to not appear in the Arch-Mage's Lobby of Arcane University (the player could complete the task to rejoin the guild, but if the player had been permanently expelled, this would break the Main Quest)
After the Path of Dawn (Main Quest) is completed, the two quest-reserved barstools in Luther Broad's Boarding House (IC Elven Gardens) will become usable
During Allies for Bruma (Main Quest), High Chancellor Ocato will no longer stay in his quarters yet be out at other times, rather than the reverse
In the Spies quest (Main Quest) the quest marker will now guide the player to Jearl's house directly, rather than through the Bruma caverns which is not an obvious route or one that the player may know of
Corrected the missing Fame point(s) rewards for the quests Blood of the Daedra, Blood of the Divines, Paradise (Main Quest), Origin of the Gray Prince (Arena side-quest) and Imperial Corruption, and the missing Infamy point from Affairs of a Wizard (Dark Brotherhood)
Prevented the Unexpected Voyage quest from starting if either Ormil or Graman gro-Marad are dead, which would leave it unfinishable with the player stuck at sea (was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
Also after the Unexpected Voyage, Graman gro-Marad will resume his normal schedule instead of remaining in the Bloated Float never eating or sleeping for the rest of the game
Prevented the Unfriendly Competition quest from starting if Agarmir is already dead, as otherwise it would continue normally until Thoronir's meeting with him, then be unfinishable
Also in Unfriendly Competition, picking up Agarmir's shovel before he is dead will no longer inexplicably stall the quest until it is dropped and picked up again after he is slain
In the quest A Brotherhood Betrayed, Carius Runellius will no longer get into a dialog loop requiring a reload if the player enters Olav's Tap and Tack wearing the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal
Also in A Brotherhood Betrayed, Olav will no longer give the player a second copy of his key if the player already pickpocketed it
If the player completes the May the Best Thief Win (Thieves Guild) quest by stealing Rohssan's sword, they will not be given the guild rules properly by Armande
The location of all usable fences, or the location of Amusei or Methredhel if the player is waiting for them, will now be shown when Independent Thievery quest is selected as the active quest
Stages of Independent Thievery and other Thieves Guild quests will no longer be able to occur before the player has fenced the required value of stolen goods
In the quest The Elven Maiden (Thieves Guild) fixed a rare bug where the player could return to the Waterfront before stealing the bust, receiving a quest advancement as if they had stolen it indicating Hieronymous Lex and the Imperial Watch were there, but neither were there and the questline was broken (was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
In the quest May the Best Thief Win (Thieves Guild), if the player murders Rohssan and then steals her cutlass afterwards, it will no longer cause a quest update (even if the quest is over) and be stuck in inventory as a quest item (will fix existing saves)
After the Misdirection quest (Thieves Guild) is completed, activating the nightstand in the Archmage's Quarters in the IC Arcane University (ie if the player is the Archmage) will no longer remove the note from the Gray Fox from the player's inventory if it is present
In the Turning a Blind Eye quest (Thieves Guild) the player will no longer be able to steal Savilla's Stone without using sneak mode or other stealth tactics and remain undetected
The waterfront guards during the Misdirection quest will no longer ask each other if they have seen the Gray Fox, instead of just the residents
In the Arrow of Extrication quest (Thieves Guild), the quest marker will no longer point to the beggars of Bravil if they are dead
After the Arrow of Extrication quest, Glistel (Chorrol) will no longer remain for the rest of the game at the Oak & Crosier (and not offer training); she was only supposed to stay there while the player was meeting with the Gray Fox
In the Boots of Springheel Jak quest (Thieves Guild), corrected dialog conditions so Gemellus Axius will now indicate properly if Jakben, Earl of Imbel is not at home
In The Ultimate Heist quest (Thieves Guild) if the player is detected in the palace, the Palace Guards will no longer fight each other to the death (especially noticed if the player became invisible), the Palace Guards will no longer arrest the player as was intended (as this will allow the player to easily keep the Boots of Springheel Jak and somewhat ridiculously also have the stolen Elder Scroll returned to them on release!) and if this occurs after successfully stealing the Elder Scroll and the player escapes the palace they will no longer be stuck in perpetual combat mode unable to sleep, wait or fast travel, even after paying off their bounty
Also in The Ultimate Heist, Anvil residents will no longer say that Count Umbranox has returned before he actually has
Also in the Ultimate Heist, if the player attacks the Blind Monks in the Imperial Palace, this will now expel the player from the Thieves Guild and end the quest as it was supposed to
Improved the fix for the door to the Old Way in the Ultimate Heist by restoring the original door and locking it until required
After the Thieves Guild questline, the souvenir Waterfront Tax Record item found in the Guildmaster's Quarters will not be a quest item with a script attached
After the Accidents Happen quest (Dark Brotherhood), if Gromm dies for any reason, his body will no longer instantly vanish
The front door's scripting in Summitmist Manor during the Whodunit? quest (Dark Brotherhood) will no longer trap followers and other NPC's that may happen to enter inside, and the player will no longer be able to leave before all the guests are dead due to an incorrect check
The player will no longer be able to attack the guests in the Whodunit? quest outright without being detected, due to the scripting checking an invalid event code
In Whodunit? Matilde Petit will now properly accompany Neville and Dovesi Dran will accompany Primo Antonius around Summitmist Manor (couldn't as AI was not set up properly)
In the Permanent Retirement quest (Dark Brotherhood), if Adamus Phillida is attacked without using the Rose of Sithis while swimming, he will put his armor back on
Also in Permanent Retirement, Adamus Phillida will properly transfer to the Leyawiin faction when he retires to there
The correct quest reward item Cruelty's Heart for a level 5-9 player will now be given at the completion of the Dark Brotherhood quest The Assassinated Man (was missing from the leveled list)
Fixed (severe) exploit in the quest Honor Thy Mother (Dark Brotherhood) where the player could repeatedly talk to the Night Mother at the questline's finale and receive the Blade Of Woe reward each time
Arquen will no longer carry a torch on return to the Cheydinhal sanctuary at the end of Honor Thy Mother (was not being removed due to a bad script command)
After the conclusion of The Wayward Knight quest, Bremman Senyan will no longer continue to follow Farwil everywhere
The player will no longer be able to keep the Staff of the Everscamp in the Whom Gods Annoy quest by placing it into a corpse rather than dropping it
In the Two Sides of the Coin quest, Tyrellius Logellus will no longer appear outside Bruma and confront the player at the quest's conclusion if he's already dead
Fixed the player being easily able to permanently prevent the conversation in Two Sides of the Coin between Tyrellius Logellus and Jorundr in Bruma castle jail just by standing between them or walking into Jorundr
Arnora Auria's corpse in the Two Sides of the Coin quest will no longer have the active script of the living Arnora Auria, which could break the quest
The reward chests for both the Two Sides of the Coin and The Forlorn Watchman will now be populated with items leveled for when the player actually completes the quests, rather than for when they were started or level 1
In the Caught in the Hunt quest, fast travel will be restored properly at quest completion
Two of the keys found in the Caught in the Hunt quest will no longer have improper scripts assigned to them which may have caused quest stages to occur out of sequence
In the quest The Siren's Deception, if the player arrives at Gweden Farmhouse between 11pm and midnight, this will no longer cause the quest to update twice due to incorrect parameters on the journal stage
Jensine will no longer continue to use two lines of dialog for the Imperial Corruption quest after the quest is over
Garrus Darellian will now be essential until the beginning of the Corruption and Conscience quest, as other quest NPCs are
Ulrich Leland will no longer go to Bruma to sleep after the Great Gate quest is complete, which could interrupt Corruption and Conscience
Closed two more possible unlimited-gold exploits in the Corruption and Conscience quest's reward
Improved the previous fix for Corruption and Conscience where the player could be offered Ulrich's key multiple times; it will only be offered once
Laythe Wavrick (Chorrol castle) will no longer lose his essential status at the end of the Canvas the Castle quest, as he is required to complete the Sins of the Father quest as well
In the Sins of the Father quest, the player will no longer be able to enter Redguard Valley Cave quickly enough to bypass the stage of the quest where Weatherleah is restored
If the player initially declines Fathis Ules' request in Sins of the Father, he will no longer give up asking
Volanaro (Bruma Mages Guild) will no longer lose his essential status at the end of the Bruma Recommendation quest, as otherwise if he died long enough before the A Plot Revealed quest that his corpse disappeared, it would still reappear during A Plot Revealed
Selena Orania similarly will now be marked as essential (she never had the status at all) as otherwise she could die long before A Plot Revealed and her corpse would still reappear during the quest as if her death was very recent
If the player finished A Plot Revealed without encountering the necromancer Camilla Lollia, she will no longer follow the player all over Cyrodiil
If the player is expelled from the Mages Guild while Erthor is following during the Skingrad Recommendation quest, he will no longer continue to follow until the player's membership is restored and the quest completed
Similarly, if the player is expelled from the Fighters Guild while Maglir is following during the Den of Thieves quest, he will no longer continue to follow until the player's membership is restored and the quest completed
The scripting for the Skingrad Mages Recommendation quest will now more accurately count the number of zombies killed by the player
The Chorrol castle key will no longer remain a quest item after the Canvas the Castle quest is completeted
Corrected the name of Arnora Auria's corpse in the Two Sides of the Coin quest from just "Arnora" to "Arnora Auria"
In the Sheogorath shrine quest, if the player pickpockets the rat poison from Ri'Bassa, they will no longer be able to activate the trough with it out of order, as this would cause part of the quest and the K'Sharra prophecy to be skipped
In the Boethia shrine quest's Tournament of Ten Bloods, the opponents will no longer yield to the player (reverting to normal NPC's with rumor dialog; the Khajiit was a highwayman who would rob the player if spoken to)
The Sanguine shrine quest will now stop properly once it has been completed
In Block Training, when master trainer Andragil performs the sparring test with the player, she will now properly recognize if the player unequips their shield, unsheathes a weapon or hits her and terminate the test
Starting the Molag Bal shrine quest will no longer block Olyn Seran from talking about Conjuration Training (would occur even if the player couldn't proceed with Molag Bal due to being too low-level)
After the quest Information At A Price (Mages Guild) is completed, the vampire hunters will leave Skingrad as they and the quest journal indicate (should they survive, they'll hunt vampires in three non-quest locations, but in reality they'll probably die in the wilderness before they reach even one of them)
The last stage of Information at a Price will no longer try to restart the Vampire Cure quest for no apparent reason (it already starts on a new game anyway)
The Vampire Cure quest's spell to remove the player's vampirism will no longer fail due to spell reflection/absorption or magicka resistance
In the Mages Guild quest Ulterior Motives, Mercator Hosidus will now consistently be wearing his necromancer robe when he confronts the player, and his class has been corrected to Necromancer so he will have access to the expected spells
Count Janus Hassildor's goodbye dialogs will no longer hinder progress in the Ulterior Motives and Vampire Cure quests
In the Mages Guild quest The Bloodworm Helm, it will no longer be possible for the player to miss the quest update when entering Fort Farragut, which will leave the quest marker pointing to the exit rather than Irlav Jarol's corpse
Also in The Bloodworm Helm, the dead version of Irlav Jarol in Fort Farragut will have the correct clothing to appear like the living Irlav did, and the body will no longer persist after the quest is complete
In the Confront the King quest (Mages Guild) if Mannimarco misses the player when casting his paralysis spell, he will no longer then stand around waiting for the player to talk to or attack him
Also in Confront the King, if the players kills Bolor Savel before he talks to the player/attacks, this will no longer be counted as a murder
The appropriate quest stage in Nothing You Can Possess quest will now occur if the player has read the book "Cleansing of the Fane" (the book's scripting was corrected)
After the Nothing You Can Possess quest, S'razirr will now have the missing dialog option to pay him his share of the reward if the player returned the Ayleid carving to Claude Maric
In the Secrets of the Ayleids quest, the Ayleid Crown of Nenalata and Staff of Nenalata will no longer be unquippable and/or quest items when retrieved from the King of Nenalata's corpse
Also in the Secrets of the Ayleids quest, the King of Nenalata will no longer speak his last line if he's already dead
After the quest The Renegade Shadowscale (Dark Brotherhood) is completed, Scar-Tail's death will no longer cause a quest update to take his heart to Teinaava
After the quest Permanent Retirement (Dark Brotherhood) is completed, removing Adamus Phillida's severed finger from his desk and then replacing it will no longer cause a quest update
After the Mystery at Harlun's Watch quest (Fighters Guild) is completed, Harlun's Watch residents will no longer say that they need help
In the Information Gathering quest (Fighters Guild) if the player accidentally kills Ajum-Kajin during the interrogation, this will now advance the quest as intended
The Fighters Guild Mystery at Harlun's Watch will no longer be able to advance if the player has killed 14 of the 15 required trolls in Swampy Cave, which would then break the quest as the required dialog options would be missing
If the player visits Forsaken Mine more than three days before the Fighters Guild Trolls of Forsaken Mine quest, this will no longer cause the dead Fighters Guild and Blackwood Company bodies to disappear (even when disabled), leaving only Viranus Donton and bloodstains during the quest
During the Infiltration quest (Fighters Guild) Ja'Fazir will no longer yield to the player, who would then be required to murder or pickpocket him to continue
Also during the Infiltration quest, if the player attacks and knocks out the three (essential) Blackwood Company Guards before drinking the Hist Sap, this will no longer cause them to disappear completely when the player goes to Water's Edge and stall the quest
Also during the Infiltration quest, the player will no longer be transported from Water's Edge if they are riding a horse, which would leave it stuck inside Modryn Oreyn's house
The Water's Edge residents Marie Alouette, Eduard Retien and Jolie Retiene will be essential until the Infiltration quest, as otherwise they could be long-dead and yet their corpses would reappear and the quest would still proceed as though the player along with the Blackwood Company slaughtered them
In The Hist quest (Fighters Guild) picking up the pipes in the Hist room in the Blackwood Company will no longer be thefts that increase the player's Items Stolen count
The Go Fish quest's Rumare Slaughterfish are now properly all disabled before the quest begins; the player could harvest their quest-item scales beforehand and this would cause quest stages to occur out of order
In the Go Fish quest, asking Aerin Merowald multiple times about his savings will no longer add multiple copies of his key to his inventory (he will only talk about it once)
Aerin Merowald's savings chest will now contain the proper amount of gold (minimum 500); was not appearing due to an engine bug with leveled lists
In the Order of the Virtuous Blood quest, if the player initially sides with Roland but then murders him, changes to Seridur will be properly undone (such as not wearing armor for the remainder of the game)
Also in Order of the Virtuous Blood, if the player sides with Seridur, he will be made non-essential after the quest, as he is involved in no other quests
While Seridur is in Memorial Cave in Order of the Virtuous Blood, he will no longer be attacked by creatures there due to missing faction membership, and he will no longer prematurely greet the player
Talking to Ralsa Norvalo after starting the Canvas the Castle will no longer allow the player to erroneously start The Order of the Virtuous Blood due to an incorrect dialog condition check
If Mazoga the Orc dies before the completion of the Knights of the White Stallion quest, her corpse will no longer gain a Leyawiin shield and White Stallion Lodge key when the player does
Fixed several errors with Black Brugo's AI in the Knights of the White Stallion quest: He will now be able to reliably retrieve the gold in Telepe (the coffer was placed too high for him to reach it easily), he will rejoin the rest of the bandits after retrieving the gold rather than randomly wandering, and he won't follow Alonzo if Alonzo is dead
In the Paranoia quest, fixed Glarthir's AI so that after meeting with the player behind the chapel and going home, he doesn't then go right back to the chapel again; this allowed the quest to be completed in a single four-hour in-game timeframe
If the Paranoia quest has terminated prematurely, Glarthir will no longer continue to wait for the player behind the Skingrad chapel as if it was still running
If the Paranoia quest terminates with Glarthir's death, Skingrad residents will no longer talk about him as though he were alive
Dion will only confront the Paranoia quest in Skingrad regarding involvment with Glathir has been corrected so that he will only confront the player if Glarthir has approached the player first
A missing line of dialog from Glarthir in the Paranoia quest about Davide Surilie will now be heard
In the quest Through A Nightmare, Darkly, if the player equips and then unequips the Dreamworld Amulet they will no longer enter the Dreamworld on next rest (it must be equipped, as the quest indicates)
Post-quest rumors regarding the Knights of the White Stallion will now appear for Leyawiin residents; did not before due to incorrect conditions
Added an alternate journal entry to The Forlorn Watchman to replace one that indicated that the player had read the Emma May's log even if they didn't
Maraska will no longer remain essential if the player completes the Clavicus Vile shrine quest by refusing to give up Umbra (not involved in future quests and if the player did give up Umbra, was being made non-essential)
If any of the three Fighters Guild members the player assists in the Fighters Guild quest The Desolate Mine die after successful quest completion, this will no longer result in rumors that the quest was failed
If the player tells Modryn Oreyn the truth about completing Maglir's contract in the Fighters Guild Unfinished Business quest, this will no longer result in rumors of a cover-up
If the player pays Bienne Amelion's debt themselves to complete the Fighters Guild quest Amelion's Debt, this will no longer result in rumors that the Fighters Guild raided her family tomb
Mythic Dawn sleeper agents throughout Cyrodiil will no longer give themselves away by casting their bound armor/weapon spell before the Dagon Shrine quest has completed
Cingor will now be removed from the Fighters Guild after the Dagon Shrine quest, rather than the Mythic Dawn, and will also have the Mythic Dawn bound armor spell he was missing
Picking up the Mysterium Xarxes (required) and/or silver dagger in the Lake Arrius Caverns during the Dagon Shrine quest will no longer be thefts that increase the player's Items Stolen count
If the player leaves the chapel in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest before Tierra has finished speaking with Savilian Matius, this should no longer cause her to not escort the civilians to the encampment
After the player clears the first phase and enters the chapel in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest, Merandil will no longer repeatedly leave and re-enter the chapel (if he is still alive) due to an AI loop
Two lines of dialog for Jesan Rilian in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest will now appear; did not before due to incorrect conditions
Menien Goneld (Kvatch Oblivion plane) will be disabled at the end of the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest due to (extremely rare) occurrences of him reappearing in Tamriel for no apparent reason
Missing dialog and its Ormellius Goldwine topic will now appear in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest
A missing line of rumor dialog regarding Kvatch will now appear in Chorrol (Bogond and Henantier will have it)
In the Battle for Castle Kvatch quest, if any of the Imperial Legion patrol that assists the player survives the battle, they will no longer stand in the Kvatch chapel with their swords drawn for the rest of the game
Kirsten (Bleaker's Way) will now return to the Goodwill Inn and offer services if the Mephala shrine quest is failed
In the quest A Brush With Death, Rythe will no longer occasionally fail to greet the player upon entry to the Painted World
Improved the fix (using added trigger zone) to make it not possible to miss the stage advancement on arrival in the Painted World
Also in A Brush With Death, if the player murders Tivela Lythandas this will end the quest (her script had not been assigned to her); also fixed that there would be another quest update (after the correct one that the quest is over) and Rythe would appear back from the Painted World as if the quest was completed successfully
Fixed Rythe Lythandas so that he can't be attacked in a Brush with Death while making the exit portal, as otherwise (such as if a Painted Troll hit him) the player would be left stuck in the Painted World with the quest broken
The player will no longer be able to interrupt Rythe and Tivela before they complete their conversation the conclusion of A Brush With Death
In the Helping Hands mini-quest, Eyja will no longer accept any amount of gold for her services smaller than the 150 indicated if that is all the player has
Karinnarre (Novaroma, Bruma) will no longer erroneously turn into a merchant and offer services for the brief time during The Defense of Bruma quest that it takes Martin to walk from the chapel to the battlefield
After the Main Quest has been completed for a sufficient amount of time, NPCs will no longer discuss events in other parts of Tamriel as if the Oblivion Crisis was still underway, and Imperial Legionnaires will no longer talk about the death of the Emperor as though it is news
Martin and Jauffre's horses will no longer hang around the Talos Plaza entrance after the Main Quest has been completed for the rest of the game
Dar-Ma's horse will move to the Chorrol stables after the quest A Shadow Over Hackdirt is completed
At the conclusion of the Lifting the Vale quest, the player will no longer be able to talk to Akavari Commander Mishaxhi before he disappears, as the thousand-year-old ghost would reply in a normal Imperial voice discussing current events
A long greeting from Caminalda (Brina Cross Inn) in the Mages Guild Anvil Recommendation quest if she is spoken to before renting a room will now appear; would not before due to incorrect conditions
A piece of Maelona's (Anvil) dialog at the beginning of the Siren's Deception quest if the player heard about the Sirens before talking to her will now appear; would not before as it was unlinked
Amusei will no longer use his imprisoned greetings for the Thieves Guild Atonement quest before he's actually imprisoned
In the Thieves Guild Ahdarji's Heirloom quest, if the player unlocks Amusei's cell for him, he will now follow properly instead of insisting that the player give him a lockpick to unlock his cell with
Amusei will now be in the correct city faction after the Ahdarji's Heirloom quest has completed (was being removed and put back twice), also will have his inventory properly restored
Amusei will now visit the guildhall for the intended two days a week at the end of the Thieves Guild questline
Enilroth will no longer use his intimidated goodbye when talking to the player from the Dark Brotherhood quest Following a Lead after the quest is completed
Also in Following a Lead, Enilroth will now put gold into the target barrel along with the Dead Drop Note as was intended
Velwyn Benirus will now use the correct greeting on first meeting the player in the quest Where Spirits Have Lease depending on whether the player had heard of him from townspeople
Tar-Meena (Arcane University) will no longer have her now-outdated main quest dialog about Mankar Camoran, the Mysterium Xarxes and the Mythic Dawn after the Main Quest is completed

NPC Fixes

The following NPC's have been made trainers as indicated, or will now offer training as they should have: Areldil (Journeyman Security, IC Talos Plaza), Kud-Ei (Advanced Illusion, Bravil), Valus Odiil (Advanced Heavy Armow, Chorrol)
Llensi Llaram's (Anvil Fighters Guild) apprentice-level Athletics and Trayvond the Redguard's (Cheydinhal Mages Guild) apprentice-level Destruction training will now work (they had an erroneous training level of zero assigned)
Ambroise Canne (Skingrad) will now offer journeyman-level Block training (and equip his rake) while working in the Surilie Brothers vineyard
The fix for the two Ayleid "statues" near the underground entrance to the Imperial Palace will also work if the player leaves the cell and returns
If the player opts to pay a highwayman when robbed, gold will now properly be removed from the player
Removed unnecessary permanent Essential status from Skingrad's West Weald innkeeper Erina Jeranus; she is involved in no quests and an AI reference indicates this was (yet another) leftover from the removed Imperial Express/Courier quest
A much longer alternate goodbye dialog from Emperor Uriel Septim that was not set up properly will now appear
Fights should no longer break out in Olav's Tap and Tack (Bruma) due to several NPCs who frequent there missing faction memberships causing their eating to be counted as theft
Some Imperial Legion Foresters will no longer be missing their cuirasses
Split 51 NPC scheduled visit packages that cross midnight for specific days of the week or month due to an engine bug that causes them to duplicate the before and after midnight portion on the previous and next days
Orok gro-Ghoth's (Chorrol), Delmar's (IC Arcane University) and Uurwen's (Cheydinhal Mages Guild) unique greetings on first meeting the player will now be used; couldn't play due to incorrect conditions
Stablehands at all stables will now use the correct greetings when the player buys a horse rather than referring the player to the ostler to buy one as if they hadn't already
Antoine Branck (Bravil Bay Roan Stables) and Nardhil (Chorrol North Country Stables) greeting when the player buys a bay and chestnut horse respectively will now reset properly
Fixed Goblin Jim (the Breton shaman of the White Skin tribe) being assigned an incorrect (non-shaman) script, so his tribe did not cease attacking on his death
The publicans Delos Fandas (The Feed Bag, IC Market District), Luther Broad (Luther Broad's Boarding House, IC Elven Gardens), Ormil (The Bloated Float, IC Waterfront) and Wilbur (The Count's Arms, Anvil) will no longer follow the player around to keep them in line-of-sight as if they were shopkeepers
Kantav Cheynoslin and Silana Blandia (Leyawiin Chapel of Zenithar) will also no longer follow the player around to keep them in line-of-sight as if they were shopkeepers
Larthjar the Laggard will no longer follow the player around like a shopkeeper while begging
First Mate Malvulis (IC Waterfront) will now follow the player properly as intended if the player is close to the Marie Elena
Jensine's (IC Market District) meetings with Fathis Ules will now work properly (also ensured she won't follow him to Chorrol)
Maro Rufus (IC Market District) will now visit the Arboretum weekly (AI was conflicted)
Enilroth (Morvayn's Peacemakers, Anvil) now has a merchant chest so that he won't wear items sold to him or bulk the save with non-resetting inventory
Winson (IC Elven Gardens) will no longer be permanently stuck in the Arena due to an incorrect setting on his AI
Gelephor (IC Market District) and Trenus Duronius (IC Temple District) will no longer remain permanently outside the Bravil Skooma Den on their visits there due to missing faction membership
Added AI to First Mate Filch (Sea Tub Clarabella, Anvil) so he will return home to his ship, as occasionally will appear in the Tiber Septim Hotel for unknown reason (this is the default cell where "lost actors" whose cell disappears get put); this would cause NPC fighting in the lobby due to his high aggression
The Gray Fox's idle animations will no longer play while the player has menus open
If the player hits the Gray Prince outside of the Arena, this will no longer cause Arena crowd noises to be heard
Removed leftover non-functioning AI from the unfinished Imperal Express quest from several NPCs as they were interfering with their proper AI
M'raaj-Dar (Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary) will no longer repeately be able to resell his unique items as his only merchant container respawned; added a second merchant container to him that doesn't respawn and moved the unique items to it
Corrected Engorm (Sanguine shrine) offering merchant services though he has only 5 gold, no merchant chest and nothing to sell
Countess Arriana Valga (Chorrol) will no longer talk about herself in the third person due to missing conditions on some Chorrol rumor dialog
Fixed a line of Torbern's (Acrobatics Training) dialog not being available because the relevant topic was never added
Didier Aumilie (Anvil) and Istrius Brolus (Bruma) will no longer use a goodbye that was missing its audio and lip movement (had never been recorded for Breton males; was actually a leftover from early development when there were Arenas in all towns; this was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
Salmo the Baker's (Skingrad) visits to two inns will now work (they had been deactivated as were using an unimplemented bread delivery function that would crash to desktop; changed to standard visits)
Nord females (player and NPC) will no longer be called "snowman" by other NPCs
Jhared Strongblade (Cheydinhal) will no longer greet the player as a Knight of the Thorn if the player isn't
Ten named members of the guard faction will now have unique greetings that wouldn't play as their guard greetings were blocking them: Adamus Phillida, Langley, Hieronymus Lex, Servatius Quintilius, Itius Hayn, Audens Avidius, Danus Artellian, Dion, Decentius Opsius and Gerich Senarel (also fixed Itius Hayn's still not playing as it was also being blocked by his quest's greeting)
Three named members of the guard faction (Lerexus Callidus, Captain Montrose, and Garrus Darreliun) will no longer come back to life three days after dying due to erroneously having respawn flags (this change will not take effect on a save with the UOP already installed)
The dead guard by an Oblivion gate east of Leyawiin will no longer respawn as other guards do (this was undesirable because as he was supposed to be dead his face was distorted)
Danus Artellian is now properly a member of the Skingrad guards
The Countess' Bodyguard (Leyawiin castle) will now escort her properly, and the Count's Bodyguard will escort him while outside the castle
Anvil guard captain Langley and castle steward Dairihill's bed-sharing will now work properly (beds were all owned by the guard faction she was not a member of)
Guard captain Dion (Skingrad) will now patrol Skingrad when he is supposed to, rather than the guardhouse
Audens Avidius and Carmalo Truand will now patrol the IC Arena district when they are supposed to, rather than returning to their start locations
A Leywaiin day and night patrol guard will now patrol properly (were missing the AI that starts their patrol route)
The Imperial Watch at Claudius Arcadia's house (IC Talos Plaza) will no longer stand motionless in place (AI was set up incorrectly)
Fixed the sleep time of the night Imperial Watch in the Waterfront, which was 12 hours off
Two of the (mercenary) guards in Bleak Mine will no longer be guarding in their underwear due to missing pants/greaves
The acolytes in the Dagon Shrine in Lake Arrius Caverns will now wander properly and not stand motionless
Areldil will now wander in the IC Talos Plaza and Irene Metrick in the Market District properly
Three types of Vampire Knight will now properly be members of the Knight (rather than Warrior) class
Henantier's body will no longer persist indefinitely if he dies (he is essential until the end of the quest Through a Nightmare, Darkly)
Gromm will no longer say "You do NOT belong in here!" to the player unless the player is in Baenlin's house (Bruma)
Fadus Calidius should no longer hang around the Skingrad Fighters Guild in just his underwear
Carahil should no longer get stuck in the Anvil Mages Guild ceiling due to a strange AI anomaly
Hirtel and Caenlorn will now sleep as intended in The Flowing Bowl, and S'shani and Velvyn Benirus in the Count's Arms in Anvil, Kurdan gro-Dragol at the Lonely Suitor in Bravil, Logvaar in Jerrall View, Selena Orania in the Mages Guild and Jorundr in the castle dungeon jail in Bruma, High Chancellor Ocato and Evangeline Beanique in Ocato's chambers in the Imperial Palace, Fathis Ules while in the Oak in Crosier in Chorrol, Graman gro-Maradand in the upstairs of his house in the IC temple district and Vandorallen Trebatius at the Two Sisters in Skingrad after his eviction from Rosethorn Hall (couldn't reach/use their beds due to ownership/faction errors)
Else God-Hater (Skingrad), Mandil, Othrelos and Winson (IC Elven Gardens District) and two of the Dark Brotherhood Murderers in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary will now sleep in their proper locations
Mirabelle Monet (Anvil) now sleeps in multiple beds as intended rather than almost always with Thurindil (changed Timothee LaRouche's sleep time to avoid three-in-a-bed with Mirabelle)
Adrian Decanius and Romana Faleria (IC Elven Gardens District) and Hans Black-Nail (Bravil castle) will now sleep at the proper times (had two conflicting sleep packages; Romana will now also be able to eat without the conflict)
A missing line of dialog for Romana Faleria about the Imperial City will now appear (default dialog was taking precedence)
Romana Faleria will no longer return to the Imperial City during the Defense of Bruma while Martin is going to the battlefield
Gundalas (Leyawiin) will now sleep in Best Goods and Guarantees properly (as well as his schedule, ownership and pathgrids were preventing him from sleeping)
Kantav Cheynoslin (Leyawiin Chapel of Zenithar) will no longer interrupt his sleep to randomly wander the chapel
Undena Orethi (Skingrad) will now sleep in her house (couldn't due to schedule conflict with a schedule that never ended) and will now properly eat lunch as well
Schlera Sestius (Pell's Gate) will now both eat and sleep (couldn't also due to schedule conflict with a schedule that never ended, and also was missing a key)
Vigge the Cautious (Skingrad Mages Guild) will now visit the Skingrad chapel as intended
Marie Palielle will explore outside Skingrad, instead of never leaving the chapel (also corrected her in-chapel AI)
Agnete the Pickled will explore Skingrad (couldn't due to AI conflict
Graklak gro-Buglump will explore Skingrad (couldn't as AI wasn't set up properly)
Hillod the Outlaw (IC Waterfront District) will now properly sleep; an AI schedule error was preventing this
Gilen Norvalo (IC Temple District) will now sleep (his AI indicated to sleep on the wrong floor of his house, which has no bed)
Amusei will no longer walk to the IC Waterfront to sleep unnecessarily before the Thieves Guild questline has begun
Jeanne Frasoric (Bruma Mages Guild) will no longer get up and go back to bed repeatedly for the first two hours of her sleep due to an AI conflict
Fathis Aren (Bravil castle) will now sleep in his bed (couldn't due to an AI conflict)
Augusta Calidia (IC Talos Plaza District) will now sleep in her private bed at the Tiber Septim; time was conflicting her her AI to read
Geem Jasaiin (IC Elven Gardens District) and Bothiel (IC Arcane University) will no longer oversleep up to 16 hours due to AI errors
Neville (Skingrad, Summitmist Manor) will no longer sleep almost constantly due to his sleep AI lacking a start time
Gaspar Stegine (IC Arcane University) will now read for the intended duration and also practice spellcasting (couldn't due to an AI conflict)
Fixed several errors with Deetsan's (Cheydinhal Mages Guild) AI schedule so that she can sleep and read at the right times (AI was out of order and one package didn't terminate properly)
Agarmir (IC Talos Plaza District) will now eat at the Tiber Septim hotel, Gemellus Axius (also IC Talos Plaza District) at Jakben Imbel's house, Dul gro-Shug (IC Elven Gardens District) at the The King and Queen Tavern, Ferrum (Cloud Ruler Temple) in the Great Hall, Casta Scribonia, Lazy Kaslowyn and Nermus the Mooch (Chorrol) in the Oak and Crosier, Davide Surilie (Skingrad) in his vineyard (rather than going home), the night Bravil patrol guard in the barracks, and Uurwen in the Cheydinhal Mages Guild, as was intended
The three Sintav brothers will now visit the Elven Gardens on Morndas, Middas and Fridas as he package indicates rather than all five weekdays (which was blocking them from visiting the Talos Plaza)
Carandial (Bravil) will now eat and sleep at his camp near Anutwyll when he visits there (couldn't due to an incorrect location check)
Eyja (Skingrad) will now eat and go shopping when after relocting to Rosethorn Hall (couldn't as AI wasn't set up properly)
Ren Bruiant and Jirolan Doran will now properly converse at the steps of Chorrol chapel (couldn't as AI was an incorrect type)
Shuravi will now remove gold from the player when a room at the Three Sisters (Leyawiin) is rented
Ahdarji (Leyawiin) will no longer stand motionless in the Three Sisters Inn for four hours per night, Eugal Belette (Chorrol) in his basement, Ragbag Buntara while begging in the IC Talos Plaza, Ah-Malz in the Skingrad Fighters Guild and Tsavi in the Leyawiin Mages Guild and Chapel Hall for eight hours a day, due to incorrect AI type
Hieronymus Lex will no longer stand motionless when he is supposed be doing one section of his Anvil patrols
Burz gro-Khash's afternoon sparring session at the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild will now work properly (AI had been set to the wrong type)
Keld of the Isles' sparring session at the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild has been corrected to not interfere with the rest of his schedule
Hontitar (Chorrol) will no longer constantly miss the target during his morning archery practice behind the Fighters Guild hall
Daenlin's Sundas deer hunts around Bravil will now work properly (AI was not set to find anything) and it will now last the intended duration
Andreas Draconis (Drunken Dragon Inn) and Davela Hlaren (Imperial Bridge Inn) will no longer accept less than their stated price for their rent room due to incorrect value checks
Phintias will now close The First Edition and Urbul gro-Orkulg will now close Slash and Smash (IC Market District) at the correct time on Loredas and Sundas, and Edgar Vautrine will close Edgar's Discount Spells at the correct time on Morndas, Middas and Fredas
Parwen (Skingrad Fighters Guild) will no longer eat dinner for 6 hours due to missing default AI
Bugak gro-Bol (Leyawiin) and Ranaline (Bravil) will eat for the correct duration
S'rathad (IC Talos Plaza) will now eat at the Bloated Float in the IC Waterfront (his AI was set as in correct type)
Fixed Mivryna Arano's (Cheydinhal) lunch AI being set at the exact same time as her dinner
Chapel attendance and lockup/unlock AI for Sister Angrond and Sister Phebe Jeanard (Gottlesfont Priory) will now work properly
Ida Vlinorman will no longer interrupt her visit to Chorrol to wander back to the Imperial City Arena to gamble and then return (yet another leftover of early development when there was an Arena in Chorrol)
Eilonwy and Orintur (Cheydinhal) will now sleep in their own house (Willow Bank) rather than the Mages Guild, as otherwise their own house was completely unused and the Mages Guild was two beds short (they also started in Willow Bank yet then immediately left and never returned, and share a sleep package no one else has, so it appears this was an oversight)
Fixed Urjabhi and Collatinus Vedius (IC Talos Plaza district) never sleeping as there were no beds where their AI packages were indicating
Fixed Bejeen (Leyawiin, Weebam-Na's house) never sleeping due to impossible AI conditions and Maknok gro-Coblug (Cheydinhal Riverview) never sleeping as his AI was out of order
S'Thasa (Border Watch Inn) will no longer wander near the barrels trying to get to one of the beds in a locked room as she was never assigned her bedroll
Gave Tar-Meena (Arcane University) an on-self spell so that she will no longer stand around doing nothing when she is supposed to practice casting
Aryarie will no longer stand motionless in the Bravil Mages Guild for four hours a day (couldn't wander due to two errors with the way her AI was configured)
Shelly will now explore the Cheydinhal gardens rather than standing motionless for five hours a day
Jean-Pierre Lemonds (Bravil) will now have a bow (his class is Sharpshooter, he had arrows already, and he would go hunting with no weapon)
Ita Rienus (Bravil Mages Guild) will now practice her spellcasting (couldn't before due to AI conflict)
Anguilon (Anvil) will no longer stand in place during his visit to Anvil's pond due to his AI having a zero radius
Shagol gro-Bumph (Aleswell) should no longer rake his fence
Bernadette Peneles (Skingrad) will no longer rake the path in Tamika's yard instead of the grass
Reman Broder (Skingrad vineyards) should put his hoe away when he's done working, rather than eating while still holding it
Kalthar (Leyawiin) and Selena Orania (Bruma) will now use the correct response to the Mages Guild dialog topic depending on whether the player is a guild member
Two Mages Guild rumors about Falcar (Cheydinhal) will now appear there, and no longer be used by Mages Guild members in Skingrad
Some Cheydinhal NPC non-quest rumor dialog should no longer appear in other towns
A missing topic/line of dialog from Borba gra-Uzgash (Borba's Goods and Stores, Cheydinhal) will now appear regarding daedric shrines if the player read Martin's copy of The Refugees (it was neglected to make a script for the book)
Hlidara Mothril will now be able to follow Countess Alessia Caro into the Mahei house (Leyawiin) which she couldn't due to missing faction membership
Countess Alessia Caro will now use the proper chair when she eats dinner in Leyawiin castle (outside of the Sanguine shrine quest)
Countess Alessia Caro (Leyawiin) and Quill-Weave's (Anvil) scheduled trips to Chorrol will now work properly, and Countess Caro should also ride her horse for her visit
Wumeek (IC Elven Gardens) will now visit Weebam-Na as he was supposed to when he journeys to Leyawiin
Shum gro-Yarug will now attend to Count Janus Hassildor in Skingrad Castle's Lord's Manor in the evenings (couldn't as his AI was not set up properly)
The daedra Kathutet, Ranyu, Orthe, and Amkaos, the Dremora Scouts and the Dremora Sigil Keeper in the Breaking the Siege of Kvatch quest, and the Dremora Kynval in the temple attack in Light the Dragonfires will now properly drop daedra hearts upon death
The vampires Jakben Imbel (IC Talos Plaza), Seridur (IC Temple District) and Vicente Valtieri (Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood sanctuary) will now properly drop vampire dust upon death, and Vicente Valtieri will also be able to transmit Porphyric Hemophilia during combat
The vampiric Afflicted Brethren in Gutted mine will no longer carry their vampire dust in inventory (where it can be pickpocketed) and two of them will no longer be missing their innate spell
The Water's Edge residents Marie Alouette, Biene Amelion, Eduard Retien and Jolie Retiene will no longer stay in their houses constantly due to their outdoor AI being the wrong type
Ulfgar One-Eye (Anvil), Marz (Bravil), Varnado (Imperial City), On-Staya Sundew (Leyawiin), Alberic Litte (Chorrol) and Falanu Hlaalu and Gunder (Skingrad) will now attend daily worship, and Gunder will also now explore Skingrad (corrected unassigned and/or conflicted AI)
Rena Bruiant and Varanus Donton will now attend daily worship regardless of the state of the Canvas the Castle quest (they are not involved in it)
Numerous Bravil NPC's using any of 8 chapel altar packages will now activate the correct altars, including Hans Black-Nail who, while activating the altar of Arkay, won't receive the blessing from the Tiber Septim altar across the chapel
When Didier Aumilie uses the Altar of Stendarr in Anvil's chapel, the blessing will no longer fly across the chapel instead of hitting him
Corrected Varnado's city faction membership from Chorrol, as he never goes there
Bravil residents Brokil gro-Shatur, Olava the Fair, Dro'Nahrahe and Fathis Aren will now visit the Lucky Old Lady statue daily as was intended (except when the Dark Brotherhood quests Following A Lead or Honor Thy Mother are active)
Removed unused/duplicated AI from Henantier (Bravil), Naspia Cosma (Cheydinhal castle), Tsavi (Leyawiin castle) and Undena Orethi (Skingrad)

Creature Fixes

The lich Erandur-Vangaril will now have proper health (15x the player's level, as is standard for all liches, instead of merely 15 which made for an anticlimactic battle)
Added missing undead faction membership to Gable the Traitor (wraith in the Emma May) as he was likely to be attacked by his allies
NPCs and the player will now properly head-track Clannfears and Daedroths instead of looking upwards where their head would be if they were standing completely upright (especially noticed with corpses)
Ghosts and wraiths will now be immune to paralysis as they should have been (they were not given a falling-down animation so couldn't be hit when paralyzed as only their ectoplasm "corpse" had collision)
Ghosts' ranged frost damage spell is now immune to silence as all other ghost spells are
Ancient Ghosts' on-touch frost damage spells will no longer be both ranged and on-touch at the same time
Mudcrabs will now have the death sounds that they should have had
Bay, Paint and White horses will no longer return to their original location to wander instead of wandering "in place" due to incorrect AI
The level 1-3 versions of Azhklan Trolls and Kalperklan Trolls will now drop Troll Fat as all other trolls do
The level 6-12 version of The Sunken One (Storm Atronach) now has the properly assigned skeleton
Ganredhel's (Cheydinhal) dogs will now follow as they were supposed to when Ganredhel walked them
All of Sakeepa's (Aleswell) sheep will now properly follow him during his shepherding, rather than just the rams

Item Fixes

The player will no longer be able to give away the receipts for all player home upgrade furniture, paintings, etc. immediately after buying them; the receipts would disappear from the merchant's inventory so couldn't be bought again, and the upgrade(s) would never be installed (would also happen if the player immediately dropped them, although the upgrades would appear if they were picked up again and kept)
Cyrodiilic Brandy will now use the unique mesh ( Meshes\Clutter\BrandyBottle.NIF ) that was designed for it and never used probably due to an oversight, rather than appearing as a generic potion (see below in Meshes); also changed its icon to a wine bottle's to reflect the change as this is the closest match to its shape
Dropped unlit torches will no longer acquire a flame that casts no light on cell reload (such as by fast-traveling away and back)
The Poisoned Apple's script effect will be removed upon an NPC's death to prevent the effect sticking to NPCs that respawn (such as guards) as they would immediately die again repeatedly
As the Oghma Infinium is a daedric artifact that can be given to Martin in Blood of the Daedra, restored its quest item status and the player will be prevented from reading the book until after an artifact choice is made on what to give Martin
Improved the correction to the Descendent and Subjacent versions of the Shock Damage/Resist Shock sigil stones to fit the pattern of the other stones of the same type
Shepherd's Pies will no lomger make a different Cure Disease potion that won't stack with others if the player is a master alchemist
Merchants will now sell Steel Battleaxes properly and Iron Warhammers will be sold at level 1 (Leveled list had Steel War Axes duplicated and Iron Warhammers incorrectly starting at level 11)
Broadhead Gauntlets, Gauntlets of Lockbreaking (Mithril), Huntsman Gauntlets, Gauntlets of Passing (Elven), Clear Sight Gauntlets and Magnifying Gauntlets (Glass) will now be carried by NPCs; were omitted from leveled lists and there were no others with equivalent effects present
Smuggler's Boots (Mithril), Boots of the Forest Stalker (Elven) and Boots of Soft Walking (Glass) will now be carried by NPCs; were omitted from leveled lists and there were no others with equivalent effects present
The Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass (Mithril), Cuirass of the Farlands Trader (Elven) and Blower's Cuirass (Glass) will now be carried by NPCs; were omitted from leveled lists and there were no others with equivalent effects present
The level 10-14 Blade of Woe dagger (Dark Brotherhood questline reward) will now properly have a Damage Magicka rather than Fortify Magicka enchantment as all the others do
The War Axe of Sapping is now on the enchanted and silver war axe leveled lists, rather than the warhammer one
The Lesser Staff of Ruin is now in the lesser staff leveled list, not the greater one
Elven shields and Orcish shields have been changed places in the leveled lists; light Elven were erroneously in the Heavy lists and heavy Orcish were in the Light lists
The Arrow of Cold, Arrow of Illumination, Arrow of Savage Frost, Arrow of Scorching, Arrow of Shocking, Arrow of Silence, and Dwarven Arrow now have the correct menu icon
The (Dwarven) Arrow of Savage Frost and Arrow of Silence willw have the correct (Dwarven) in-game model and icon, not those of iron arrows
The Cursed Mace (from the Molag Bal shrine quest), and the daedric arrows Arrow of the Inferno, Arrow of Winter, Arrow of Storms, and Magebane Arrow will now ignore normal weapon resistance as all other daedric weapons do
Added six types of War Axes with Soul Trap effects that were missing from leveled lists so that NPCs will now carry them
Corrected the Armor Rating value for all fur shields being only one-third what it should have been (2.00 rather than 6.00; for all other armors the shield's AR is 1.2x the value for the cuirass.) Affected shields are: Eagle Feather Shield, Fur Shield (normal and Arena varieties), Mudcrab Shield, Salamander Scale Shield and Tiger Fang Shield
Corrected the damage for the Rusty Iron Dagger found in the tutorial dungeon from 5 (which is the damage of a proper Iron Dagger) to 3 (which matches all other Rusty Iron Daggers), its health from 60 to 35 and value from 5 to 2 (which also matches all other Rusty Iron Daggers)
The tutorial Club, Mace of Enfeeblement, Mace of Strain, Warhammer of Burden and War Axe of Enfeeblement will no longer erroneously bypass normal weapon resistance
Corrected the enchantment value of the Shortsword of Paralysis from 800 to 1600
Corrected the enchantment value of the Staff of Calm from 1600 to 1200
Corrected the damage for the Rusty Iron Bow from 8 to 6, its health from 90 to 56 and its value from 10 to 3 which brings it in line with all other rusty weapons; the proper Iron Bow has a damage of 8, and other rusty weapons' health is half that and value one third that of the proper (this item is only found in the tutorial dungeon)
Corrected the damage for the Rusty Iron War Axe from 5 to 6 which brings it in line with all other rusty weapons
Corrected the damage for the Arrow of Discord from 9 to 4 which applies the -5 penalty all other area-effect arrows have
Corrected the weights of normal and enchanted silver claymores from 38 to 32, bringing them in line with other silver weapons in relation to other weapons (Silver Claymore, Claymore of Curses, Claymore of Depletion and Claymore of Dispel)
Corrected the weights of normal and enchanted steel battle axes from 35 to 34, bringing them in line with other steel weapons in relation to other weapons (Steel Battle Axe, Battle Axe of Burning, Battle Axe of Diminishing, Battle Axe of Jolts, Battle Axe of Numbing and Battle Axe of Seduction)
Corrected the weight of the Fine Steel Dagger from 3.5 to 3.6. bringing it in line with other fine steel weapons
Corrected the weight of dwarven arrows from 0.15 to 0.1 (which matches all all other arrows including enchanted dwarven)
Corrected the value of enchanted silver longswords from 80 to 125 as they weren't even worth as much as an unenchanted one, unlike all other weapons (Longsword of Depletion, Longsword of Dispel, Longsword of Frost {Martin's}, Longsword of Jinxing and Longsword of Sapping)
Corrected the speed of the Akaviri Warblade from 0.9 to 1 which matches all other Akaviri weapons
Corrected the health of the enchanted iron Daggers of Embers, Frost, Pacification, Sparks and Weariness from 360 to 70
Fixed the following orcish armor using the chainmail mesh and/or icon on female players: Swamp Boots, Peak Climber's Boots, Storm Stomper Boots, Battlehunter Gauntlets, Warmaster Gauntlets, Gauntlets of Brutality, Savage Gauntlets, Snowblind Gauntlets, Gauntlets of Survival, Greaves of the Warmonger, Fire Ritual Greaves, Greaves of the Unstoppable, Magekiller Greaves, Battlehunter Helmet, Shaman Helmet, Darksplitter Helmet and Helmet of the Drowned (were actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
The unique Gauntlets of Gluttony will no longer look like iron gauntlets in inventory and when dropped, though they are orcish when worn (internal name indicates this as well)
The Mountaineer's Shield will no longer inexplicably also take up the tail slot in addition to the shield slot
Blades and Elven gauntlets will now properly hide rings
Fixed Tutorial dungeon Rough Leather Greaves (name was already corrected from Leather Greaves to match the rest of the set) using the male mesh when worn by female players
As was done already with other similar items (such as the Ring of Wortcraft) fixed the Fortify Alchemy enchantment of the Ring of Wizardry, Base Ring of Alchemy, Ring of Alchemy and Grand Ring of Alchemy so that their Fortify Alchemy effect works (NOTE: exit out of menu mode after wearing them in order for them to take effect; the Fortify Alchemy effect on the character sheet will show twice for each item and its value will be twice the true value, but this is the only way to get it to work properly)
Corrected the magnitude of the Fortify Health enchantment of the Base Ring of Health, Cuirass of the Bear and Ironheart Cuirass from 15 to 10
Corrected the reversed enchantment magnitudes of the Ring of Firewalking and Grand Ring of Firewalking (was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
Corrected the reversed enchantment magnitudes of the Staff of Sundering and Greater Staff of Sundering
The Staff of the Pariah now has the proper enchantment for its quality (standard rather than lesser)
Corrected the weight of one of the Metal Tankard clutter items (MiddleMetalTankard003) from zero to 0.5 to match the others
The Note from First Mate Filch carried by Captain Baszone Patneim (Sea Tub Clarabella, Anvil) can now be picked up again if dropped
The Southern Books Key will no longer be a quest item; no reason for it to ever have been one

Texture Fixes

Added missing alpha channel to the Goblin Shaman helmet/cape texture ( )
Corrected typo in Kvatch castle badspread normal map ( to )
Corrected the 11 normal maps for Arena floor textures TerrainSand* as they didn't match their associated textures at all
Fixed the normal map for the texture for cracked Oblivion rock ground being rotated 180° from the texture ( Textures\Landscape\Oblivion\ and Textures\Oblivion\Caves\ )
Created a normal map for fern fiddleheads ( ) as it was missing
Fixed green artifacting on daisy and tiger lily planters ( and )

NIF Mesh Fixes - Creatures

Fixed liches being completely helpless, unable to cast spells or engage in hand-to-hand combat, if their staff was dropped or destroyed ( HandToHandEquip.KF, HandToHandIdle.KF, HandToHandStagger.KF, HandToHandUnequip.KF )
Corrected texture distortion on the back legs of deer ( Meshes\Creatures\Deer\Skeleton.NIF )

NIF Mesh Fixes - Statics and Clutter

Eliminated flickering on the turnable page of the book animation object used by NPC's ( GenericBook.NIF ) as it had the exact same co-ordinates and was a duplicate of the page underneath it (this was indicated to be fixed previously but wasn't for some reason)
Closed several hollow beams in the ceiling of castle dungeon prison cell piece PrisonDrunkTank02Room.NIF ; although this was already in the UOP the wrong version may have been included as there were so many obvious errors still present that had been indicated to be fixed before
Closed a tall, narrow seethrough gap on the sides of the Bruma castle keep ( CastleKeepBruma.NIF )
Closed a large gap at the corner of the bar area, a seethrough beam and a small seethrough gap in the skirting by the load door in the Five Claws Lodge in Leyawiin and the Border Watch Inn ( LeyawiinHouseIntL07.NIF )
Moved offset Havok collision allowing looking through the front wall of LeyawiinHouseLower01.NIF (also finally fixed the offset collision of the porch supports properly)
Closed a gap in the Anvil Fighters Guild exterior introduced when optimizing it ( AnvilFightersGuild01.NIF )
Closed a seethrough gap at the apex and fixed incorrect ceiling texture on castle interior piece CastleIntTransistionRWay02.NIF [sic]
Closed a gap in CastleWallRiverGate01.NIF at the top introduced when optimizing it
Fixed the middleclass table MiddleTable01.NIF so that it doesn't vanish at certain angles
Corrected Havok collision type on upper-class shelves UpperWallShelf01-03.NIFs and optimized from 175KB to 173KB in total
Corrected the BSX Havok flags on lower-class bench LowerClassBench01.NIF (were not needed as it is static)
Corrected Havok collision type on Imperial City wanted poster WantedPoster02Static.NIF
Fixed the fix for missing Havok collision on the bearskin rug ( BearSkinRug01.NIF ) so that it's in the right place in the file (had been in the UOP since almost the beginning but wasn't mentioned in the changelog)
Fixed ill-fitting Havok collision at the top of SkingradCastleWall01.NIF
Corrected the collision type on blank parchment ( Parchment01.NIF )
Corrected the Havok collision type on three middleclass planters MiddleClassPlanter01-03.NIF and optimized from 128KB to 124KB in total
Closed some more small gaps in the exterior LeyawiinMagesGuildHouse.NIF; also made AWLS-compatible
Closed another hole in the stairs of FarmHouseInterior04.NIF
Optimized and removed junk info from added Anvil Castle distant LOD meshes ANCastleComplete01_far.nif, UOPANCastleComplete01.NIF and UOPANCastleTower01.NIF from 40.5KB to 25.5KB
Removed secret area blocker CastleSecretBlack01.NIF from the UOP; existing one works properly and the UOP didn't, so unsure why it was even there
Removed some extraneous data (unparented properties) from the improved missing mesh marker ( Marker_Error.NIF )

Newly Added

Fixed double-layer land underwater in Niben Bay, distant-land tears and other graphic problems with 25 regenerated landscape LOD files ( Meshes\Landscape\LOD\60*.NIF ); future updates may be found here
Corrected the Z-axis (up-down) offset on the newly used Cyrodiilic Brandy bottle Meshes\Clutter\BrandyBottle.NIF so that existing instances of the item don't have to be moved
Fixed the tip of the largest stalagmite on cave piece CrmCornerInside01B.NIF (685 instances) being hollow/seethrough due to UV mapping into an alpha area. and optimized from 85KB to 75KB
Removed an overlapping mistextured triangle on tutorial dungeon floor piece IDFloor2WayNoCol01D.NIF (also used in three other IC dungeon areas)
Fixed the tutorial sewer exit mesh so that the background isn't visible in fog ( SewerExitGateExterior01.NIF )
Added missing Havok collision on the top half of sewer upper wall piece SewerRoomWallMid01.NIF
Optimized oversized Havok collision on statues GarridanFrozen.NIF, ICDragonStatue01.NIF, StatueGodAkatosh01.NIF, StatueGodArkay01.NIF, StatueGodDibella01.NIF, StatueGodJulianos01.NIF, StatueGodKynareth01.NIF, StatueGodMara01.NIF, StatueGodSeptim01.NIF, StatueGodStendarr01.NIF, StatueImperial02-5.NIFsStatueLeyawiin01.NIF, StatueTownBruma01.NIF and StatueTownCheydinhal01.NIF reducing in size from 6.35MB to 4.87MB in total
Added missing Havok collision on the top half of Ayleid ruin interior ironwork gate ARWHallIronWork01.NIF
Added missing Havok collision on the Chorrol house for sale sign CitySignsChorrol.NIF
Corrected misaligned Havok collision at the top of BravilCastleTower01.NIF (normally inacessible) and optimized from 155KB to 134KB
Corrected oversized Havok collision at the sides of ICAUWallHouse01.NIF preventing harvesting of nearby flora
Corrected incorrect Havok collision type on LeyawiinCastle01.NIF (also optimized from 484KB to 448KB) and SignForSale01.NIF (also optimized from 18KB to 17KB)
Corrected incorrect Havok material type (stone rather than cloth) on TentRoof01.NIF and optimized from 40KB to 31KB
Corrected Havok collision mesh on Leyawiin Fighters Guild dining hall piece LeyawiinFGInteriorDinning.NIF [sic] and optimized from 904KB to 840KB
Corrected Havok collision type on easels ( Easel01.NIF ) and optimized from 66KB to 51KB
Corrected Havok collision type on six canvases ( MS14Canvas01-5.NIFs, UniqueCanvas01.NIF )
Corrected Havok collision type on seven candle meshes ( CandleFat01-3.NIFs and CandleSkinny01-04.NIFs )
Corrected Havok collision type on three book meshes ( MessengerDiary.NIF, MysteriumXarxes.NIF and TomeOfUnlife.NIF ) and optimized from 53KB to 49KB in total
Corrected Havok collision type on the Cheydinhal and Chorrol thrones ( CastleThroneCheydinhal.NIF and CastleThroneChorrol.NIF ), changed collision mesh type to MOPP for greater efficiency and optimized from 91KB to 82KB and 87KB to 82KB respectively
Corrected Havok collision type on middle-class bookshelves MiddleBookShelf02.NIF and MiddleBookShelf05.NIF and optimized from 71KB to 68KB and from 95KN to 90KB respectively
Corrected Havok collision type on middle-class lectern MiddleLectern02.NIF and optimized from 53KB to 44KB
Corrected Havok collision type on the Mages Guild Council table ( MagesTableRound01.NIF ) and optimized from 58KB to 54KB
Corrected Havok collision type on castle dining furniture pieces CastleDiningChairHigh01.NIF and CastleDiningTable01.NIF and optimized from 266KB to 265KB and 280KB to 254KB respectively
Corrected Havok collision type on farm clutter items FeedingStall01.NIF, Oar01.NIF, Pickaxe01.NIF, Pitchfork01.NIF, Scythe01.NIF, Shovel01.NIF and Yarn01-02.NIFs and optimized from 244KB to 213KB in total
Corrected Havok collision type on broken chest MiddleChestBrokenBottom03.NIF and optimized from 104KB to 96KB
Corrected Havok collision type on three lower-class bed meshes LowerClassBed01-03.NIFs and optimized from 386KB to 329KB in total
Corrected Havok collision type and BSX Havok flags on lower-class chair mesh LowerClassChair02.NIF
Corrected BSX Havok flags on lower-class stool and optimized from 95KB to 81KB
Corrected Havok collision type on middle-class desk MiddleDesk01.NIF and optimized from 106KB to 77KB
Corrected Havok collision type on upper-class stoneware UpperBowlCeramic01.NIF, UpperPlateCeramic01 and UpperTankardCeramic01.NIF and optimized from 70KB to 65KB in total
Corrected Havok collision type on upper-class display case UpperClassDisplayCaseBlue02.NIF and optimized from 202KB to 183KB
Corrected Havok collision type on the fabric rack ( FabricRack01.NIF ) and optimized from 113KB to 96KB
Corrected incorrect texture path on the Barbas (Clavicus Vile's dog) statue ( DAClavicusDogStatue.NIF ) causing it to be all-white
Undid clipping on Chorrol Mages Guild interior piece ChorrolMGuildWallUpper02.NIF
Optimized Boethia shrine meshes DaedricShrineBoethia01_far.NIF (from 166KB to 57KB) and DaedricStatueBoethia01_far.NIF (from 295KB to 55KB) as they were using the full-sized meshes
Added missing stencilling to seaweed UnderwaterSeaweed02.NIF so that it isn't invisible from the back side

NIF Mesh Fixes - Clothing, Armor and Weapons

Updated fixed Daedric arrow & quiver Meshes\Weapons\Daedric\Arrow.NIF as apparently the quiver could fall through the ground
Improved fixes for silver dagger, shortsword and longsword scabbard texturing ( Meshes\Weapons\Silver\Dagger.NIF, Longsword.NIF and Shortsword.NIF )

Newly Added

Restored missing ground mesh for female Belted Braies pants ( Clothes\LowerClass\08\F\Pants_gnd.NIF )
Fixed dwarven gauntlets ( Meshes\Armor\Dwarven\M\Gauntlets.NIF ) clipping through the player's hands in first-person view

Placement, Layout and Ownership Fixes

As one major cause of missing land (huge square holes in the landscape where an entire cell of land fails to render) has been identified as Havoked objects belonging to one cell rolling into an adjacent cell, changed the following:
Disabled an hourglass in 20,-17 (on the road from Bravil to Leyawiin, under one of the bridges) to prevent it from rolling down into cell 20,-18
Added a fort ruin chunk cell 16,13 to prevent beer bottles from rolling into Fort Magia's cell 15,13
Positioned rocks in front of beer bottles in Infested Mine cell -34,12 to prevent them from rolling into -35,12
Disabled small stone bricks inside Chorrol's walls to prevent them from being tossed over a cell border in -18,22
Moved a pile of coins and a ring near Fort Farragut away from a ledge where they could fall off and roll down the hill past the cell borders
The map markers for the Leyawiin West Gate, Red Lane Camp and Two Decker Camp will now appear
The player will no longer be able to sit on the overturned stools in the Five Claws Lodge in Leywaiin during the Fighter's Guild quest Drunk and Disorderly
NPCs should no longer fall through the Talos Bridge (from the Imperial City to Weye)
The boss-level chest in Lost Black Rock Chasm will now contain the proper amount of gold (minimum 1,766); was not appearing due to an engine bug with leveled lists
The player will no longer be able to walk over the hole behind Arvena Thelas' house in Anvil (would float over it)
Replaced the six individual steel arrows on the floor in Honditar's house (Chorrol) with a quiver of six arrows; when the player picked the individual arrows up due to an inventory stacking bug with stolen items they could be duplicated indefinitely just by selecting them
Replaced the altar in Cadlew Chapel with a static one; the altar is covered with severed arms and the blessing couldn't hit the player, but the message would still appear that the player was blessed, and then further blessings from normal altars wouldn't work for a day
The statue in Bravil is now of Mara, rather than Zenithar (as in all other towns, where the statue in town is that of the patron Divine of the town's chapel)
The chest in the tutorial dungeon containing the rusty iron armor will no longer be missing the gauntlets, and the skeleton with the rough leather gear will no longer be missing the helmet and gloves (the missing items have the tutorial script attached, but were not used anywhere in it, so they do appear to be oversights that they were missing)
Added a missing bed to Gilen Norvalo's Private Quarters, and a missing bedroll to Jearl's house (Bruma) and the Chorrol Fighters Guild basement to allow NPCs to be able to sleep when they were supposed to
Turned the single bed in Ri'Bassa's house (Border Watch) into a double to so that both NPCs who live there can sleep as intended (furniture was moved slightly to open up space for this to be possible)
A locked container inside Glarthir's house (Skingrad) will no longer generate an unlimited number of iron war axes
Corrected very wrong pathgrids in Hackdirt Caverns (areas with no grid and areas where the grid was outside the playable area)
Added pathgrids to an area of The South East Tunnel (Imperial Sewers) that was completely missing them
NPC's in Telepe and outside the Knights of the Thorn lodge in Cheydinhal should no longer walk into walls due to pathgrid placement
Agata should no longer try to walk through walls or furniture in the Leyawiin Mages' Guild 2nd Floor West due to pathgrid placement
Connected pathgrids of the lower and upper floors of Best Goods and Guarantees (Leyawiin) as this was one of the things preventing Gundalas from being able to sleep
Disabled a rock embedded in the road in Anvil that had been placed there to cover a hole; arranged sidewalk pieces so that it isn't necessary
Moved several bridge pieces in Fort Farragut so that their seethrough undersides aren't visible
Disabled a buried wall at Dasek Moor
Moved a duplicated-in-place Welkynd Stone in Wendelbek to a new holder
Moved a Welkynd stone in Hame that was far outside the playable area so that it is retrievable
Moved a blood decal that was clipping in Empty Mine
Aligned a misplaced fort ruin piece in Pale Pass
Moved a bench in Fort Nikel so that the player will no longer be trapped inside a pillar if it was sat on
Redid the fix for the fire at Vilverin casting light so that it won't duplicate with lighting mods, and now it produces smoke
The dock lamp north of Vilverin now casts light
Redid the added torches on the Skingrad castle bridge so they won't duplicate with lighting mods or cause an FPS hit
The two undead in the upper level of Vahtacen will no longer be able to notice and start combat with the player and/or Denel even though they are behind stone walls
Fixed a painting in the player's Bruma house being enabled by the Storage rather than the Wall Hangings upgrade (definitely a bug as the Wall Hangings indicates five paintings are included, and it was only four)
Corrected a portcullis in the Mouth of the Serpent (Pale Pass) being a static, so it couldn't be opened and the chest beyond it was unreachable
Grounded a flying cup on a shelf in Amantius Allectus' house upstairs (IC Temple District)
Grounded several rug pieces in Chorrol Castle Private Quarters
Grounded chairs and moved beds intersecting walls in the Skingrad Fighters Guild
Aligned gate behind Aelwin Merowald's house (Weye) so it is no longer out of alignment with the stone wall
Fixed position of several clutter items in The Copius Coinpurse
Moved a candle that was far outside the playable area at the Anvil Mages Guild
Moved two more Gray Fox wanted posters that couldn't be activated (in the IC Market and Temple Districts)
Re-aligned a wall segment behind Morvayn's Peacemakers (Anvil) so it doesn't overlap with an adjacent segement, causing noticeable flickering
Moved a couple of Cinnabar Polypores out of their tree in Tamriel cell -20,3
Moved a rock in Blackwood to cover up the cell boundary between 30,-41 and 30,-40
Reverted a rock edit in 21,11 that left three smaller rocks above it floating free
The compass will now indicate the correct direction in the Anvil Smuggler's Cave (north marker was incorrectly oriented)
Dungeon music will no longer play when outdoors in the vicinity of Fort Sutch
The torches at the front doors of the Leyawiin Fighters Guild, the fireplace in The Flowing Bowl (Anvil), and the fires outside of White Stallion Lodge (Leyawiin) and at Caradil's camp near Anutwyll will now cast light
Corrected the ownership of counts'/countesses' thrones in all castles as the player could sit on them, even right in front of the count(ess) and their guards with no repercussions
Corrected the ownership of the beds in Uuras the Shepherd's and Tamika's houses (Skingrad), Shelley's bed in the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn basement, Corrick Northwode's bed in Harm's Folly, Maeva the Buxom's bed at Whitmond Farm and S'Thasa's bedroll in the Border Watch Inn so that the player can't sleep in them (the latter was actually fixed long ago but not documented in the UOP changelog)
Corrected the ownership of Aelwin Merowald's (Weye) as it was incorrectly owned by the Chestnut Handy faction (this was probably the original locale of the stables as the map marker is similarly named)
On the offchance it will affect the incorrect owners' AI, corrected the ownership of the four horses in Brindle Home to its residents, rather than Cheydinhal residents (may have been copy/pasted from there)
Corrected door ownership and lock settings in Best Goods And Guarantees (Leyawiin) so that Gundalas and/or Elsynia will no longer get stuck in certain areas of it
The ownership of Prior Maborel's Paint Horse will now be properly transferred to the player if his offer to take it is accepted
Corrected the ownership of all of Ancotar's items at Fort Caractacus as they were owned by Fathis Aren
Corrected the ownership of the doors to Hanz gro-Hubrag's and Philip Franc's houses in Blankenmarch as they were not owned by them (although this doesn't seem to have affected their ability to enter)
Corrected ownership of the bedroom door in Varon Vamori's House (Bravil) which could trap him inside
Corrected ownership of the door to the Harborside Warehouse in Anvil so that Wilhelm the Worm can use it
Reassigned ownership of Countess Millona Umbranox's bed in Anvil Castle so that Corvus Umbranox can sleep in it as well
Updated the replacement columns in the IC Arena so that mods can easily move them
Updated the distant-view Anvil buildings so that they are more compatible with mods

Audio Fixes

Corrected audio and subtitle for four lines of dialog that referred to Riverview (Cheydinhal) as "Riverside"
Created completely missing audio for a line of dialog of M'aiq the Liar
Created audio and a dialog entry with conditions for Mazoga the Orc quest failure if the player murdered Weebam-Na, as otherwise Count Marius Caro only had dialog blaming the player for Mazoga's death, even if she was still alive in the same room
Added corrected audio and subtitle dialog for two lines from Tivela Lathandas (Cheydinhal) as she was referring to both male and female players as "muthsera" (Dunmer equivalent of "madam")
Corrected audio and subtitle for Lucien Lachance calling the player "Brother" or "Sister" even before they join the Dark Brotherhood
Corrected audio and subtitle for an instance where Modryn Oreyn refers to the Blackwood Company as the "Blackheart Company"
Corrected audio and subtitle on a line of dialog from Athrelor (Kvatch) indicating that he's "open for business" whereas there's no other hint he was ever intended to offer merchant or other services
Corrected audio and subtitle for three lines of Imperial and Breton IC rumor dialog that confused Irene Metrick with Ida Vlinorman (another for Redguards couldn't be fixed satisfactorily so will just not be heard)
Corrected audio and subtitle for a Skingrad rumor about Agnete the Pickled for female Argonians and Khajiit that was slightly off from the subtitle (the male one matched)
Corrected audio and subtitle for Corrick Northwode in the Revenge Served Cold quest saying that Exhausted Mine is southeast of Harm's Folly (it's southwest)
Corrected audio and subtitle for Mercator Hosidus in the Mages Guild Ulterior Motives quest saying that the meeting place is north of Cursed Mine (it's south)
Corrected audio and subtitle for a line of dialog from Boderi Farano saying that Dovyn Aren lives in the Market District (it's the Elven Gardens)
Corrected audio and subtitle for Malene saying Aleswell is northwest of the Roxey Inn (it's directly west)
Corrected audio and subtitle on four more lines of dialog that referred to Mandil as male
Corrected audio and subtitle on four lines of dialog that referred to Jantus Brolus as male
Moved a line of Ocheeva's (Dark Brotherhood) conversational dialog (audio and subtitle) as it was in the wrong branch
Fixed audio and subtitle of a line of dialog from Alberic Litte indicating that Athragar sells a powerful "frost" spell; although he trains in alteration, he sells only powerful conjuration spells
Fixed audio on Varnado's greeting (IC Market District) where he pronounced his name "Varnardo"
Fixed outtake line of elven female Thieves Guild rumor in Leyawiin regarding Adharji's Heirloom if the player triggered the Blood Price
Fixed an outtake line of male Imperial Mages Guild Arcane University conversation regarding a breakthrough
Corrected audio on a Nord male line of dialog on joining the Fighters Guild that was different from all others and incorrect (didn't match its subtitle either)
Corrected audio on a Nord male line of dialog referring the player to an incorrect NPC to start the Forlorn Watchman quest that was different from all others (also didn't match its subtitle either)
Replaced a line of dialog for Tolger (Temple of the Ancestor Moth; also a Nord male) in the Thieves Guild Turning a Blind Eye quest as it was being read in a completely different voice
Corrected audio files for boar footsteps as they were duplicated (two footfalls playing per step taken)
Fixed minotaur footsteps being far too quiet for their size
Corrected the falloff for dog and wolf yelps so that they can be heard in the distance properly
Corrected the music in the upstairs of Nerastarel's (abandoned, haunted) house in Skingrad to dungeon type, which matches the ground floor

Text Fixes

Corrected cell/map marker name "Timberscar Hollow" » "Timberscar Cave" as it is called the latter five times in dialog and four times in journal, but the former not at all except for the place itself
Corrected overlay test for the Skingrad town signs "SkinGrad" » "Skingrad"
Corrected weapon name "Silver BattleAxe" » "Silver Battle Axe" to match with other similar weapons
Corrected error in book "Guide to Chorrol" which stated: "Alessia Caro has been a good husband to Count Marius of Leyawiin" ("husband" » "wife")
Corrected location reference in stage 10 of the Fighters Guild quest The Wandering Scholar: "Sutch" » "Anvil" (the town of Sutch was removed before release)
Corrected gender-bender in book "Guide to Chorrol": "the town smith openly refers to himself as 'Agnete the Pickled'" ("himself" » "herself")
Corrected description of Volendrung in book "Modern Heretics" : "sword" » "hammer"
Corrected subtitle in Seed-Neeus gretting MS45_GREETING_000280C5_1: "I'm don't" » "I don't"
Corrected journal text in Paranoia (MS48 stages, 51, 52, 53) : removed ", as Glarthir requested" as the player can murder the three targets before Glarthir requests it, receive these stages and complete the quest
Corrected journal text in The Wayward Knight (MS13 stage 50) : "Breton" » "Imperial" (referring to Bremman Senyan)
Corrected journal text in The Wayward Knight (MS13 stage 115) : "with 200 gold" » "in gold." (the gold reward is levelled and never exactly 200; "in gold" matches an equivalent stage of the same quest)
Corrected the title of the note placed in the Thieves Guild Misdirection quest: "Note from Gray Fox" » "Note from The Gray Fox"
Corrected subtitle in Heinrich Oaken-Hull's greeting NQDAnvil_GREETING_0003E09B_1 : removed ", the Serpent's Wake," to match the audio (the Serpent's Wake is not his ship as the captain is dead so it appears that the audio was corrected but the subtitle neglected)
Corrected subtitle in Dervera Romalen's Cheydinhal topic dialog NQDCheydinhal_CheydinhalTopic_0004E88B_1 : "shall the twain" » "the twain shall" to match the audio
Corrected subtitle in Skingrad Jailor dialog TG06Atonement_TG06OpenDoor_0000C20A_1: "have to" » "gotta" to match the audio
Corrected subtitle in Skingrad beggar Foul Fagus dialog TG06Atonement_TG06GetIntoDungeons_0003D803_1: "dungeons" » "dungeon" to match the audio
Corrected subtitle in Atabha dialog Horses_GREETING_000541D1_1: "Cat Face" » "Cat-Face"
Corrected subtitle in Elisa Pierrane dialog ArenaDialogue_GREETING_000C456C_1: "Roderick" » "Roderic"
Corrected subtitle in Skingrad rumor dialog NQDSkingrad_INFOGENERAL_0003C248_1 and NQDSkingrad_SkingradNQDResponses_0003C1F5_1: "Ambrose" » "Ambroise"
Corrected subtitle in Brother Holger dialog TG08Blind_TG08ShowEntrance_000983AB_1: "to" » "too"
Wow, that's quite a list, very interesting stuff fixed there.

What concerns me though is the possible incompatibility to the multitude of mods I've got installed.

Let's face it: Oblivion, especially with Skyrim now to be released, doesn't warrant the amount of fiddling around with mod-installs to justify the effort involved.

I doubt very much that even with this patch installed on the vanilla product it'll be able to rival the game experience that the Oblivion mods offer.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I had a desire to play Oblivion after picking it up in a shop for £1.

I have just installed it but I am confused about what patch to use. The last official bethesda one seems to be v1.2.0416 but then there are all these unofficial ones!

Should I install patch v1.2.0416 and then patch with the latest unofficial one?

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