The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

thanks but wont need it anymore :) the guy on suport fixed my account he said it bugged and didnt generate my files properly when i paid.

btw once this is done i stick steam in offline mode and disable the vpn and thats it? if any patchs come out ill need to connect to steam with the vpn on again?

The link between the UK and Australia is extremely slow. Once you've done the decrypting and the "Play" button is available, go Offline mode, use Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" rule to block steam.exe completely, then you are safe to disconnect the VPN. It's safe to unblock steam.exe and go online when the game is unlocked in the UK.
I know what you mean, but I'm glad at the same time. Hopefully my Q6600, 4GB Ram and 4870 will be enough to play at decent settings :)

Indeed it will play well on lower spec hardware, which is the beauty of games like this. But there have been Dx11 games with a Dx9 mode for a long time now.

However: I would much rather see a game tested and optimised for Dx9 rather than a farce like Deus Ex Human Revolutions which performed abysmally in Dx9 mode (took me ages to get Dx11 working due to driver issues). But given the time its been in development, TES:V could easily have been fully tested on both 9 and 11.
I had the same problem. Usually turning off "GX" option in the xonar control panel fixes it. That's the bit that intercepts EAX code an emulates it, but for most modern games you don't even need it.

I can't even find the GX button now! Any help? xD

Just realised the D2 audio centre doesn't have a Gx mode button like the DX audio centre does o.O

Edit again, hmm some versions are running GX some aren't.. Investigations required on my behalf xD

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Paid extra for postage from Amazon and not even dispatched yet, last time I use them.
Received Witcher 2 late from them as well, simply not good enough :/
Paid extra for postage from Amazon and not even dispatched yet, last time I use them.
Received Witcher 2 late from them as well, simply not good enough :/

Its pointless getting it early, I got the game today from Amazon but cant play until 12.00pm tonight mate.

thats frustrating as hell but good of the company really to be fair to everyone.

They might have despatched it, just not emailed you yet - or it might come by courier - my BF3 did from them 2 weeks ago.
Simply Games....

Simply Shipped....

Simply Not Delivered :mad:

Ah well they have until release day tomorrow I guess :p

At least I can't be tempted by an Australian VPN and I can start it in full with the fully patched up version, works for me :)
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