The end of an era.

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
The old SETI benchmarks have been retired. I thought that, as they relied on SETI Classic, and SETI/BOINC isn't giving out that type of work any more either, they're now redundant.

People are too busy waving their 3dMark01/03/05/06 scores around these days anyway. :)
Berserker said:
People are two busy waving their 3dMark01/03/05/06 scores around these days anyway. :)
not to mention their WUpenis's :D

hmmm is that the correct pluralisation? :p

shame to see them go - though as you say they're kinda pointless now anyway with the work being unavailable and presumably the benchies being a bit out of date now
I hate people that can't punctuate! :mad: ;)

You cannot make something a plural by adding " 's ". That is used as follows:

  • Firstly, in ... "that is David's computer" (i.e. it belongs to). If it was the computer belonging to more than one David, it would be "Davids' computer" (note the second s is dropped).
  • Secondly when abbreviating "is" or "will" ... for example, "it's" and "it'll".

It is, therefore, WUpenises. :cool:

/ Grammar Nazi.

// EDIT // Congratulations to Billy. I am ashamed that people in England, speaking real English, cannot write English as well as somebody in the US :(
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A.N.Other said:
I hate people that can't punctuate! :mad: ;)

You cannot make something a plural by adding " 's ". That is used as follows:

  • Firstly, in ... "that is David's computer" (i.e. it belongs to). If it was the computer belonging to more than one David, it would be "Davids' computer" (note the second s is dropped).
  • Secondly when abbreviating "is" or "will" ... for example, "it's".

It is, therefore, WUpenises. :cool:

/ Grammar Nazi.

BillytheImpaler said:
WUpenises people, penises.

I feel dirty now.

Strictly speaking, isn't that "Penii"? :p
mister grammar nazi - frankly I find your over-use of commas in your first post above quite appauling ;)

i must admit to slipping up every now and then - though I do pride myself in knowing when to use the correct ones of the following:


and so on :)

edit: and if we're being finickity then surely penises can be shortened to penis's in a similar way that cannot is shortened to can't - therin the apostophe has nothing to do with ownership, it is merely to replace the missing letters :D
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rich99million said:
mister grammar nazi - frankly I find your over-use of commas in your first post above quite appauling ;)
Get over it. I proof read the school reports of my Mum's teachers, so I'm fairly reliable.

I'm not implying that I am correct all the time, I was simply making a point. I do think people should take more care over their English :(.

// EDIT // Looking through that, there is no problem with the commas. Point out a real failing or BITE ME ;)
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A.N.Other said:
Get over it. I proof read the school reports of my mum's teachers, so I'm fairly reliable.

I'm not implying that I am correct all the time, I was simply making a point. I do think people should take more care over their english :(

I have to agree with you - the state of people's english is quite appauling these days :eek:
Even my own, which was always very good at school, has certainly slipped due to lack of any real use and general lazyness :(

edit: rofl - you've edited almost all the commas out now - ya big cheater! :D
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rich99million said:
edit: rofl - you've edited almost all the commas out now - ya big cheater! :D
The INSULT :eek: ;)

I ask you to compare the quote Nix made to how it is now. I don't see any differences :confused:. Also, see the time of the last edit.
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