The end of speeding in the UK?

18 Oct 2002
Darwin, Australia
Im not sure if this has been covered in the forums already yet, but i bought a car magazine while i was in South Africa last week and there was an editorial article about Automatic Number Plate Recognition in the UK in it. I know currently the system works around the Birmingham area (M42,M5 and M6) that has been used in crime reduction.
However, the article talks about a leaked strategy document suggesting that by April next year the ANPR system would be capable of monitoring every 400m of the UK roads and that this will largely eliminate speeding.
I can see how the system works to collect infomation about untaxed and unisured drivers via the numberplate, but i really cannot see it being accurate enough to measure speed.
Has anyone else heard plans to extend the ANPR system like this?
Im not too fussed about it to be honest as i cant see it working, even if it did i doubt they woudl be able to implement it. Anyhow, this time next year i hope to be living in Darwin in Aus and roads out of town dont have speed limits :)
And I can still do 100mph on a single lane backroad, unless they want to install some lovely expensive ANPR cameras all over the network of yellows that spreads over Wales like a rash.
exactly my thoughts i dont open the car up until the bck roads anyway so i dont care where they put what type of cameras up:)
That's how SPECS work. It's already in use in many parts of London. It's also cheaper in long run than GATSOs because it doesn't have to be realoaded or serviced few times a week. Vector maps are already available, most GPS stuff uses those kind of calculations. I really wouldn't be surprised if in the next year or so there was nation wide system ready - cameras in Manchester see you leaving town, few hours later cameras in London see you entering, time of arrival - time of departure < lowest possible route x legal speed = automatic fine...
Unluckyalf said:
Im not too fussed about it to be honest as i cant see it working, even if it did i doubt they woudl be able to implement it. Anyhow, this time next year i hope to be living in Darwin in Aus and roads out of town dont have speed limits :)

You lucky git :p
I cant wait to take a car out that way.
Straights as far as the eye can see :D
Just watch out for the kangaroos, they can do a lot of damage to a car :(
v0n said:
cameras in Manchester see you leaving town, few hours later cameras in London see you entering, time of arrival - time of departure < lowest possible route x legal speed = automatic fine...

make sure you stop of at plenty of service stations on the way :D lol
Zip said:
You lucky git :p
I cant wait to take a car out that way.
Straights as far as the eye can see :D
Just watch out for the kangaroos, they can do a lot of damage to a car :(

straights as far as the eye can see? sounds boring to me. rather have a limit and some twisties than being able to cruise on a straight at 150 all day :p

rG-tom said:
straights as far as the eye can see? sounds boring to me. rather have a limit and some twisties than being able to cruise on a straight at 150 all day :p


There are places with really long straights but then you'll find places where you find it hard to get above 80kms due to all the corners in this country :D

You also see a lot pre released or test cars of cars around the roads with no speed limets down here aswell. :)

I still want ot go to germany to drive on the autobahn though :D
Zip said:
There are places with really long straights but then you'll find places where you find it hard to get above 80kms due to all the corners in this country :D

You also see a lot pre released or test cars of cars around the roads with no speed limets down here aswell. :)

I still want ot go to germany to drive on the autobahn though :D

There's not much Autobahn left.

ANPR is used on the blue cameras that cover all of the uk road networks as traffic monitors...

At the moment they only use the middle 4-6 numbers to calculate average road speeds, but they could easily be adapted to be used as speed cameras...

Thankfully, they refuse to allow the govt the rights to use them for that purpose...

v0n said:
That's how SPECS work. It's already in use in many parts of London. It's also cheaper in long run than GATSOs because it doesn't have to be realoaded or serviced few times a week. Vector maps are already available, most GPS stuff uses those kind of calculations. I really wouldn't be surprised if in the next year or so there was nation wide system ready - cameras in Manchester see you leaving town, few hours later cameras in London see you entering, time of arrival - time of departure < lowest possible route x legal speed = automatic fine...

Maybe there will be an added bonus that they can plan your route for you as well, letting you know what time you will also get from A to B ;)
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