The Feeling... anyone else loving them at the mo?

8 Sep 2005
They are certainly one of my top bands at the moment... I just love Dan Gillespies voice and the whole tone of their music is just so upbeat and melodic. Think i'm going to see if I can book one of their tours when they're near my area... definately one of the best bands in recent years for me. :)
I love it when you post
I love it when you post
I love it when you post
But you never post at all
So what's the complication?
It's only conversation
I love it when you post

See what I did there? ;)
Richdog said:
So what music do you like, just out of interest?

U2,Pearl Jam,Nirvana,Hendrix,Stone Roses,Kasabian,Foo Fighters,Led Zep,The Strokes to name but a few.

I just find The feeling to be incredibly dull sounding
lee32uk said:
U2,Pearl Jam,Nirvana,Hendrix,Stone Roses,Kasabian,Foo Fighters,Led Zep,The Strokes to name but a few.

I just find The feeling to be incredibly dull sounding

Ahh... that's because you're into heavier stuff, from the groups you just listed. I can see why you find them a bit dull in comparison if that's what you're into :)
As someone who loves all genres of music, I'd say they're average. Although I wish these fekin indie bands would stop calling them selves THE <insert word here>.

The Fray, The Feeling, The BE MORE ORIGIONAL etc
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