The Film DOOM, my review

27 Dec 2003
Pretty dreadfull.
Well i'l explain myself a little.
For me, several films of this ilk stand out, Aliens, Predetor, Starship Troopers and Resi Evil are four that spring to mind so anything along those lines should by and large be measured against against those.
The main problem i had with the film was it was unbelievable, now i know that the four i mentioned are not exactly within the realms of being believable but at least they make sense.

Three things in Doom (amonst many) that make it all wrong are, and remeber this is set in the future:
1 Weapons that are less capable than those on general issue to any third world army today.
2 A special forces unit that is made up of characters that act anything other than special (Mad pervert and 17 year rookie being just 2).
3 In a world today were ordinary British soldiers walk the streets of Southern Iraq with night vision monoculars on their helmets and laser targeting systems attached to their weapons, the future of the world is in the hands of super soldiers who use torches.

Dont get me wrong, it was enjoyable enough but i spent to much time explaining to my son why the heroes were so poorly equiped as well as being tactically incompetent.

The film reminded me of Stealth (although nowere near as bad) and having to fly the worlds most advanced stealth aircraft under the radar.

Is it just me...........................
Naffa's Review:

He used hax near the end. The part where you went into first person mode he had blatent aimbot.
pegasus1 said:
Dont get me wrong, it was enjoyable enough but i spent to much time explaining to my son why the heroes were so poorly equiped as well as being tactically incompetent.

Did he say at any point "Dad, STFU!"

Yes, the lack of weaponary was unbelieveable.

Not the gate of hell opening up and unleashing zombie/imp demons onto a scietific base constructed on mars...
I think to slate the film for lack of realism is unfair. Those type of errors can really pee me off as well though. Once I realised how illogical and far-fetched it was I suspended my disbelief. However, I too, thought the film was rubbish. I think I'd love it if someone cut everything except The Sarge's lines and re-released it though.
Sarge: Doctor Carmack's condition IS irreversible.
[Shoots Carmack]
Sarge: Because Carmack's condition is THAT. He's dead.
I had to watch that 3 times before I stopped laughing.
pegasus1 said:
3 In a world today were ordinary British soldiers walk the streets of Southern Iraq with night vision monoculars on their helmets and laser targeting systems attached to their weapons, the future of the world is in the hands of super soldiers who use torches.

lol :D
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