The Forever Winter

20 Mar 2004
A new co-op shooter has been anounced.
Not much in the way of detail, except a trailer and some screenshots, nothing showing actual gameplay.


  • You’re a Small Fish in a Big Apocalypse – Scavenge and fight for your next day alive under the shadow of gargantuan war machines. Enemies in the game can literally tower over the battlefield. That thirteen-story-tall railgun across the map that looks like it’s part of the skybox? It’s aiming at your face.
  • War. War Always Changes – The battlefield is unpredictable thanks to The Forever Winter‘s dynamic combat system: enemies have their own goals and agendas, operating in coordinated groups, undertaking full-scale battles—and they’ll intelligently react to your actions. The battlefield you leave won’t be the same one you return to.
  • Only the Smart Survive—But Guns Help – Use your wits, stealth, and skilled gunplay to make it to extraction. You’ll need to earn your stripes before you can take on a 40-foot mech armed with a tactical nuke.
  • A Grim Vision of the Future – Ecological collapse compounded by runaway technological advancement brought us here: a world choked by 40 years of industrial-scale violence, unmerciful mass killing by AI automata, human-machine hybrids, and the bleak truth of human nature.




No release date yet.
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