The fulltime Commitment of pc gaming

31 Dec 2005
I dont know how many of you manage to do it..i have an increasing amount of games (big titles not indies either lol) i want but impossible due to time.

Deus Ex MD
Watchdogs 2
Metal Gear Solid 5
Pillars of Eternity (1+2 ?)
Tyranny (but i have to surely play PillarsOE first?)
Dishonored 2
Wasteland 2
Starcraft 2 (still havent got this as it got caught in the ever longer list of pc games to buy)
Fallout 4
Osiris New Dawn
Hitman (complete bundle tho not one at a time)
Witcher 3 (still havent finished W2 soo uhh....)

And these are all big big games ...this is a problem (1st world problem but hey ho!)

My steam wishlist just gets bigger and bigger (114 at last count).....there will be games on there from years ago probably that i will never play.

I dont think i will ever be at a point where i can play current stuff....this is a major dilemma for me.

Which of the above games are genuine unmissable?
i usually try and work out an equation factoring in cost £ then x grindiness / how playable on sofa and then buy whatever fits into that small bracket. Of course means i miss a lot of keyb and mouse games (e.g. divinity sigh and satelite reign :() I'm planning on getting a wireless keyb and mouse.

But i think i will have to cut out all online gaming as that seems the most "time-sinky" and you never really complete them. I suppose the timing is good because my ISP is crap right now (lots of packet loss all the time)
Time Management.
If I put my mind to it, then so long as work isn't being a pain, I can get in up to 40 hours a week of gaming. :D

I'd suggest avoiding the Hitman stuff, myself, unless you're a serious fan of the whole assassin idea. I kept hearing about it and finally got a massive bundle of everything... Within a day I'd gone through it all and hated the lot. It was such a let down.

It depends. I usually have 1 or 2 games from each genre as i never know what kind of mood i will be in. e.g. when im in the mood for sneaky stuff i have Splinter Cell Blacklist. When i want action rpg i have Witcher 2...the problem with Witcher 2 is i dont play it for a long time i have to read everything to find out where i am in the story and gear that i have lol. For strategy i am still playing Shogun 2.

I think SOMA looks to be the best bet as it isnt a freeroaming monster of a game that i will never finish haha :D

edit: Soma and Deus Ex i think. Cant buy Witcher 3 yet because i cant play it until i finish 2.
Cant speak for the others, but Witcher 3 without a doubt, especially if you have the blood and wine dlc.

Witcher 3 Is probably the best game on the list I absolutely loved it.

would echo Witcher 3.. i'm only about 1 hour in and it's absolutely riveting.

Gregster said:
The Witcher 3 in your list is a must play

kinger8938 said:
Soma and the witcher 3 from that list imo!

Wucked said:
Witcher 3, for sure. Brilliant game.

regulus said:
Anyway, try Witcher 3.

Haggisman said:
To OP, definitely the witcher 3, firstly because it's awesome, secondly because half the games on your list will seems shallow and boring afterwards and will only take you 10mins to get bored of

Disco_P said:
Witcher 3. Definitely. There is a reason it won OCUK GOTY 2015

tek81 said:
Play The Witcher 3 + DLC first. are ...saying...i should buy Witcher 3? :D

I suppose i could marathon the last quarter of Witcher 2 (at ch3 currently)
After browsing a bit :D

Soma £9
Deus Ex MD £22
Witcher 3 GOTY £26.99(includes all the dlc)

Mass Effect Trilogy £13.99 (cheapest i've seen this at)
Spec Ops The Line £3.99
This is the Police £9.23

Also like the look of Beholder £6.99

Havent decided what to buy yet.
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