The great 30-70 thread

17 Apr 2003
hi guys :D

thought it may be an interesting idea if you guys took your 30-70 times in one gear (usually 3rd i imagine) and post them on here.

mine was 13.2 in 3rd in a boring pug 206 1.6 8v

is there anyone out there with a slower time?:D
Gibbo said:
Hi there

2.8s :D

wahey thats more like it :D

hopefully will be able to get a time for my dads car soon (passat S 140bhp TDI)

if you could lay it out like this:


it would make it a bit easier

thanks :)
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Gibbo said:
Got it on video somewhere of the clips I did ages ago in the 3000GT. :)

Pretty simple timing it really just watch the timer on media player and so what the elapsed time is between 30 and 70mph.

The GTO is quick because it hits 70mph in 2nd so no need for a change. :)

50-110mph in 3rd was something like 7.2s. :D

Not timed the Mustang yet.

was your time above in your mustang?
fireblade900 said:
Do you mean travelling along at 30 then flooring it or just the time it takes to go from 30-70? I can get to 70 in 1st gear.

yes pretty much, but you can use any gear you like, as long as you dont change up

poote along at 30 for a bit, floor it up to 70 while holding one gear
Gibbo said:
Nope my time was based on cruising along at 30mph and then flooring it upto 70mph. The car is just plain quick! :D If I'd have a floored it from 10mph and just timed the elapsed time between 30-70mph from flooring it from a lower speed it would have been even quicker....

So to save any confusion my 2.8s is based from cruising at 30mph in 2nd and then flooring it upto 70mph. :)

that the way i was meaning :)

as soon as you boot it at a steady 30 you start the timer
TomO said:
speedo indicated - yeah.

OP asked for 3rd though. i dont think it would be masses quicker as there is so much torque all over the rev range. 2nd might be 4-4.5? :)

any gear is fine, i just said it would usually be 3rd

it can be any gear, as long as its that gear only
R3DBuLL said:
Did a wee vid of the 172 on the phone and in 3rd its 7sec roughly doubt more than that though, its hard to tell on the phone. :)

Only 6sec if I cheat and use 2nd and 3rd though :D

i may cheat and do a 2nd and 3rd later, although it'll still be slow as hell
[TW]Fox said:
I did actually go to 70, can't quite fathom why I said 60 :p

I felt a right chump slowing down to 30 and then stamping on the throttle on the inside lane of the A38 though, good job it was quiet!

"why we're you going so slow sir"

"sorry officer, the forums made me do it"

"ah, the forums?"

"yes, the forums"

"ok, sonny, you better be on your way, dont want to hold up the other forumites with yout 30-70 times now"


i seem to keep having a go at 20-40s and 60-80s, but for most of you guys it would be too quick to measure :p
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