the guy at my school who thinks he knows everything bout pcs and thinks he is a hcker

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21 Feb 2006
i know this really funny guy at my school and he thinks he knows everything and claims it to everyone tht he is amazing. but actually he doesnt know anything and all he does is try and find evrything out on and google but he actually doesn't understand a thing and dusnt even know how to upload a pic on the web. Everyday he says that he is hacking, but he doesnt even know ftp is. lol.


it is well funny
dont listen to them nasty people they are just jealous they havent meet anyone like that yet! :p
fludee123 said:
i know this really funny guy at my school and he thinks he knows everything and claims it to everyone tht he is amazing. but actually he doesnt know anything and all he does is try and find evrything out on and google but he actually doesn't understand a thing and dusnt even know how to upload a pic on the web. Everyday he says that he is hacking, but he doesnt even know ftp is. lol.


it is well funny
Get him to sign up here, he'll be a God:)
how many times do u find that!

they say there a 'hacker' and you ask them one simple question and there like :confused:

fludee123 said:
i know this really funny guy at my school and he thinks he knows everything and claims it to everyone tht he is amazing. but actually he doesnt know anything and all he does is try and find evrything out on and google but he actually doesn't understand a thing and dusnt even know how to upload a pic on the web. Everyday he says that he is hacking, but he doesnt even know ftp is. lol.


it is well funny

Funny how ?

Like a clown ?
.....and Kelly told Britney she shagged Lewis but Lewis was shagging Dibbo
behind the toilets and i didnt nick nuffin anyway so she a lying betch!!
Got a guy like that in my GCE Applied ICT.

But he gets shot down a lot. Especially with me and my mates in the class.

Once he spent over a month on the coursework... i spent a week and still got the highest mark in the class. :p

/end brag.
G|mp said:
.....and Kelly told Britney she shagged Lewis but Lewis was shagging Dibbo
behind the toilets and i didnt nick nuffin anyway so she a lying betch!!

LMAO!! :p :p :p
my stummy hurts now :(
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