The help I'm stuck thread

Tea Drinker
13 Apr 2010
Sunny Sussex
Thought it'd be a good idea to have a look I'm stuck thread.

Post your ingredients you have and time available and we / I / you could suggest something.

Even if it's that strange bit of meat you've had in the freezer for months and need to eat or it'll go in the bin.

I'll start

6 small plaice and 6 small **** I have most accompaniments like soy sauce and herbs and spices.

Suitable for a family.
Fish in parsley sauce! Old classic :P Mmm I fancy that now, but those old plastic packets you used to get haha

Fish pie? Again, you could get away with your white fish, some spud, white sauce, some egg, spinach...

Thai fish curry? Imagine you have thai curry paste in the fridge, as most jar hoarders would
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