17 Jan 2006
thought his album is out tomorrow or single or something?

radio1 has been plugging him all week and its doing my head in.
I cant stand his new song. Got stuck in my head for a day and by the end of it I wanted to lobotomise myself.
Yeah, it's a non buyer - get it emailed as flash joke - hear it once, forward to office idiot and forget it. Instead this will be another crazy frog alike powerplay which will get really old really quick but be killed over and over again in every pub on every karaoke night and wedding reception for next 10 years.
G|mp said:
Another one of those t'internet oddities that should have stayed on the t'internet

Wasn't it planned for release in Australia only? That was until Radio 1 made it their business to get it to number 1.
Why anybody is giving this loser the time of day is beyond me.
He isn't funny, he can't sing, he can't act, he's crap.
Why t'internet geeks are putting money in his pocket is beyond ridiculous.
dmpoole said:
Why anybody is giving this loser the time of day is beyond me.
He isn't funny, he can't sing, he can't act, he's crap.
Why t'internet geeks are putting money in his pocket is beyond ridiculous.

H'es no different to many many other artists in that respect though.

What I find weird is how its all become an act though. He doesn't play himself any more , just that cheesey stereotype.

I'm not actually saying thats bad, 'cause I can think of far more cheesey and annoying entertainment figures that go further than they should have ever done. At least Hoff is able to parody himself.
Sick of seeing his greasy tanned face now.

He was on GMTV in the morning, radio 1 at lunch, radio 1 in the afternoon, then some other interview of the night.

I know, know I shouldn't Hassle the Hoff, but that song can only be heard a number of times before you want to shove his god damn car up his arse.
dmpoole said:
He isn't funny, he can't sing, he can't act, he's crap.

thats the thing i like about him, he plays off his own cheesyness, which shows hes taking it all in his stride and using it to his advantage, i like it :p
dmpoole said:
Why anybody is giving this loser the time of day is beyond me.
He isn't funny, he can't sing, he can't act, he's crap.
Why t'internet geeks are putting money in his pocket is beyond ridiculous.
That's the key to success. That and looks of sex doll. You are funny, you can sing, play your instruments and probably could do better acting job when forced and you can't make it to the charts for the past few decades. Meanwhile, look at Hoff, or better yet - look at Kylie - ugly like brambie horse, can't sing, can't dance, can't act, can't write, can't play and apart from the short period of time when everyone watched Monkey Jackson, the world "can't get her out of their head" since eighties. :D

I said it many times and I'll say it again - these days if you got someone with real talent and tried to promote them - regardless if it was another Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix or Pink Floyd - all you would achieve would be some banghole like Simon Cowell telling them "you can't sing and you have no looks, stop wasting my time" chased by some pseudo media mogul, like Peter Waterman adding "Mr. Knopfler, let me give you word of advise - don't give up your daily job".
That post would be great if you hadn't missed the fact that Kylie is hawt.

The Hoff is cool. There's no two ways about it.
Gilly said:
That post would be great if you hadn't missed the fact that Kylie is hawt.
Woot? Dare i present


Smiling Bramby:
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