The Humanoid Alien



6 Sep 2007
OK bear with me... for the purpose of discussion we are assuming these encounters are real, not figmental/folklore based.

If we take the most recent compelling witness testimony of alien encounters, they paint the same picture:

- Child-size to 5 ft
- Bipedal humanoid appearance
- Large round, protruding eyes
- Large heads
- 3 fingers/toes

- 1996 Varginha, Brazil Crash and Capture - witnessed by 3 girls, but also corroborated by military personnel descriptions.
Sketch by artist from description by 3 girls

- 1994 Zimbabwe School Landing witnessed by ~60-100 children
Drawing by school girl (Their collective testimonies are very similar to the Brazil case).

The kids talk about the craft in this video:

Why do they look so similar to us?

Would the same root organisms(?) be spreading throughout the universe with the same evolutionary traits, thus eventual similarities?

Or perhaps they are earlier species of humankind that already ventured into space and evolved elsewhere? A lost civilisation from tens of milenia ago.

Are we actually chemical formations from the right environmental circumstance, essentially the universe itself, following a coded evolutionary path thus leading to repetition?

Are they a direct evolution from us, visiting their 'past'?

Or perhaps I need to go to sleep... Thoughts?
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Yeh, that's the first line of my OP... :confused: well, not that they're false but that we're assuming they're real.
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"Mack did the opposite: giving the students two months to converse among themselves." oh dear...

However, we're assuming they're real for this discussion, so can ignore Mack and go off Tim Leach's (the BBC reporter) reaction to the initial evidence. :D There are other incidents elsewhere which portray similar, child-like beings, again all humanoid, plus legit video evidence in this very thread.
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OK … I’ll bite a bit with some thoughts.

Working on an assumption that somehow, ‘life’ starts in some prime ordeal soup as we like to refer it, there then becomes some common aspects that that life would likely have to evolve through and deal with .. particularly as you get out a liquid volume and into free standing on land … and that evolving works similar to how it does on earth …. generally the most efficient/effective wins over time.

3 legs would be the simplest to achieve a static balance, but 4 maintains the tripod whilst allowing the 4th to move to allow the body to move around. If that’s the simplest way to evolve from, then as it gets more advanced, I’d say that to get more skills, it’d evolve the use of what it has rather than evolve complete new limbs … like our hands evolved from what was likely originally a standing limb.

Eyes ... 2 of them allows depth perception …

So, yeah, to me fairly conceivable that out humanoid form wins out.

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Do I think they are from the future visiting ? Cant see it personally. On the assumption they are true, then I think they would bee visiting in their now, as we see our now.

Do I think there is a coded path … dont know … as i understand it, there is certainly a lot to DNA which we can attribute to previous evolution, but that there is a lot that we dont know about but is present in it. Could that be future path? Dunno.

Does that mean its come from somewhere else and been spread around … dunno.

If you flip the coin … if we as humans were able to zoom about looking at other planets and you found life on it … you;d likely be drawn what’s closest to your own form as its the easiest to compare yourself against.
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As we're assuming they're real, I'd say they'd be revisiting earth to check on their experiment. This started say back when the pyramids were built and drawings were made of aliens and tech such as the light bulb. Also, whenever the bible came about it recorded 'miracles' etc because the actions of the aliens were not understood by mankind at that time so this was how they recorded such things. Perhaps our DNA is quite similar to theirs or part of it is as a way of preserving their kind due to some war that threatened to wipe them out.
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If we take the most recent compelling witness testimony of alien encounters, they paint the same picture:

- Child-size to 5 ft
- Bipedal humanoid appearance
- Large round, protruding eyes
- Large heads
- 3 fingers/toes

Why do they look so similar to us?

How widespread were the reports of these large eyed greys before Steven Spielberg popularised the design?
Yeh, that's the first line of my OP... :confused: well, not that they're false but that we're assuming they're real.

That requires people to accept that assumption before replying. It's unnecessary. The question of the possible shape of alien people doesn't require the assumption that they're coming to Earth and being partially seen in circumstances of dubious veracity.

The most obvious explanation of why people who claim to have seen aliens claim that the aliens were humanoid is because they've been trained to do so. Especially when they're given ample time to talk about it amongst themselves and create a consensus. That alone would be more than enough to explain similarities between descriptions. Add in the likelihood that some of the sightings were of humans (bad lighting + clothing + imagination of the viewers + training + consensus) and it's no surprise at all. In the past, gods and supernatural spirits and signs from gods. Today, aliens. Whichever ones have been onscreen most recently. So at the moment it's humanoids a bit shorter than average for humans and with relatively big eyes.

But I think it also wouldn't be surprising if an intelligent and heavily tool-using species of people from somewhere else (if they exist) had a roughly similar physiology. Convergent evolution. Two bigger limbs for bipedal mobility, which would have to be at the bottom. Two flexible limbs mounted as high up as is practical for using tools and other manipulation of objects. Primary sensory organs at the top to increase the effectiveness of sensing. Especially vision. Brain as close as possible to the primary sensory organs to minimise lag. Strong, rigid protection for the brain. So a head at the top. So a similar layout to humans. Because that layout works well for tool-users.
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It is very unlikely that Aliens have humanoid form. Creatures evolved from single cell microbial life to the animals we see today. Humans are one species of thousands of different creatures on this planet but each creature has evolved as an ever increasing improved adaptation to its environment.

For humanoid aliens to exist their home planet would have to have exactly the same conditions and history as on earth which is highly improbable. For example if the asteroid which wiped out the dinosaurs had not struck, humans would probably never have evolved. How likely is it that a simlar asteroid struck an alien planet allowing mammals to become top of the food chain?

At best any intelligent lifeforms that visit us would have at least one head, legs (possibly 2, 4, 8?), reproductive organs and at least 2 free limbs with hands that can carry out manual dexterity. Any similarities would end there as there are animals on this planet that don't for example have eyes, mouths or noses for example, but have adapted alternatives.

If they are very advanced maybe they gave up their physical bodies billions of year ago and uploaded their psyches into a hive computer mind where they act as a collective with all manual tasks carried out by drones and robots
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OK … I’ll bite a bit with some thoughts.

Working on an assumption that somehow, ‘life’ starts in some prime ordeal soup as we like to refer it, there then becomes some common aspects that that life would likely have to evolve through and deal with .. particularly as you get out a liquid volume and into free standing on land … and that evolving works similar to how it does on earth …. generally the most efficient/effective wins over time.

3 legs would be the simplest to achieve a static balance, but 4 maintains the tripod whilst allowing the 4th to move to allow the body to move around. If that’s the simplest way to evolve from, then as it gets more advanced, I’d say that to get more skills, it’d evolve the use of what it has rather than evolve complete new limbs … like our hands evolved from what was likely originally a standing limb.

Eyes ... 2 of them allows depth perception …

So, yeah, to me fairly conceivable that out humanoid form wins out.

I'm not sure what the term would be, confirmation bias? That humans tend to think of things that do similar things to us would look and act like us. A recent study showed I think it was crows that were at or near an intelligence level to chimpanzees and they do not have two hands similarly cephalopods and octopus's (octopi?) in particular have exceptional problem solving abilities and they're about as far from a bipedal humanoid form as you can get. While its true being bipedal frees up the hands to work with tools etc and chimpanzee hands are a compromise because they have to use them to walk as well I'm not wholly convinced thats a reason why we're smarter than they are.

Confirmation bias happens in other things as well before space probes reached the planets we saw everything in terms of how we saw the earth and moon system it was believed that Mars may have vegetation that ebbed and flowed with the seasons and Venus had oceans of liquid water. Albeit carbonnated due to C02 so oceans there were composed of fizzy pop! When actual probes reached those places it was profound shock and likewise the moons of the outer planets where assumed to be like our moon rocky and cratered and while some are indeed cratered they exist in astoninishingly varied forms like Europa which is composed entirely of ice and is as smooth as a billiard ball. Same thing with extraterrestrial star systems and planets it was assumed they'd all be like our solar system with a regular set of ordered planets, how wrong we were.

n.b. bilateral symmetry would say that tripods are extremely unlikely its why we have two hands, arms, legs, ears, lungs, kidneys... and eyes which did not evolve for depth perception thats an adaptation
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