OK bear with me... for the purpose of discussion we are assuming these encounters are real, not figmental/folklore based.
If we take the most recent compelling witness testimony of alien encounters, they paint the same picture:
- Child-size to 5 ft
- Bipedal humanoid appearance
- Large round, protruding eyes
- Large heads
- 3 fingers/toes
- 1996 Varginha, Brazil Crash and Capture - witnessed by 3 girls, but also corroborated by military personnel descriptions.
Sketch by artist from description by 3 girls
- 1994 Zimbabwe School Landing witnessed by ~60-100 children
Drawing by school girl (Their collective testimonies are very similar to the Brazil case).
The kids talk about the craft in this video:
Why do they look so similar to us?
Would the same root organisms(?) be spreading throughout the universe with the same evolutionary traits, thus eventual similarities?
Or perhaps they are earlier species of humankind that already ventured into space and evolved elsewhere? A lost civilisation from tens of milenia ago.
Are we actually chemical formations from the right environmental circumstance, essentially the universe itself, following a coded evolutionary path thus leading to repetition?
Are they a direct evolution from us, visiting their 'past'?
Or perhaps I need to go to sleep... Thoughts?
If we take the most recent compelling witness testimony of alien encounters, they paint the same picture:
- Child-size to 5 ft
- Bipedal humanoid appearance
- Large round, protruding eyes
- Large heads
- 3 fingers/toes
- 1996 Varginha, Brazil Crash and Capture - witnessed by 3 girls, but also corroborated by military personnel descriptions.
Sketch by artist from description by 3 girls
- 1994 Zimbabwe School Landing witnessed by ~60-100 children
Drawing by school girl (Their collective testimonies are very similar to the Brazil case).
The kids talk about the craft in this video:
The schoolkids who said they saw 'aliens'
In 1994, 60 children at a Zimbabwe school said they'd seen a "UFO" - a BBC crew was first on the scene.
Why do they look so similar to us?
Would the same root organisms(?) be spreading throughout the universe with the same evolutionary traits, thus eventual similarities?
Or perhaps they are earlier species of humankind that already ventured into space and evolved elsewhere? A lost civilisation from tens of milenia ago.
Are we actually chemical formations from the right environmental circumstance, essentially the universe itself, following a coded evolutionary path thus leading to repetition?
Are they a direct evolution from us, visiting their 'past'?
Or perhaps I need to go to sleep... Thoughts?
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