The Hunter

13 Jun 2007
Instead of chatting away in the high res thread, i thought i may aswell start a proper thread for it!

So as anyone actually seen a deer yet? :p (i havent :()

Just been playing i but keep getting disconnected due server being overloaded!!

To anyone who hasn't come across this yet, CLICK HERE to check out there site.
**** this game! finally managed to track down a proper fag of a deer, got rifle out for first time this game and it needed to be reloaded! cant believe it! only ever fired the rifle once and thats when i first downloaded the game and aimed at one of them targets!

anyway it ran off from noise of the reload!

edit: also just missed a episode of ultimate force for this ****! :(
You're fault for not loading the gun then when you equipped it ;)

The idea is you have to guess the movement of the deer by the other trails, and the clues on the mini map thing.

i know :(

its one of them games which is completly utterly boring but i will not uninstall it till ive blown a deers head off! at least 1!

finnaly got my first kill!


is it bad i teabgged the deer about 15 times till it disappeared? :(
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