The 'I can't play it!' thread

Man of Honour
24 Sep 2005
Its time to swallow your pride!

I thought it would be an fun idea to vent all frustration that us musicians had and name some pieces of music that no matter HOW long or HOW hard you try, you just can't get it sounding right! Those annoying pieces that have you slamming you guitar into you amp and throwing your keyboard out of the window!

Encouragement is allowed, but absolutely NO willy waving, and by that I mean 'Thats easy!'ing. There nothing more frustrating or egocentric than a musician claiming he is better than you. And please no 'All its takes is practise'.... I mean c'mon, ya think? I know that! :p

So, I'll start:

Two 'songs' that instantly come to mind are -

Sweet child of mine - Guns N' Roses
The widdly 'slow -> fast' bit!
What a lovely song, after a lovely 'slower' solo at, 4.03 Slash breaks into this short burst of notes that builds up before the triumphant string bends that follow! Gah, I NEVER end up playing this spot on. Not that it annoys me too much because it sounds so random anyway but its just.... GRRR! :D I'm sure someone will agree with me!

The bendy lick thing-
Same solo. At 4.30 theres this bendy fast thing that absolutely KNACKERS my fingers out. Its so exhausting! Getting those bends to spot on pitch as well as playing that fast eludes me still.

Satch Boogie - Joe Satriani
Nope you're wrong. Its not the middle bit, its THE DAMN INTRO that gets on my nerves. AFTER YEARS I still can't get it to groove, and I play it so noisily with the correct distortion that I have to wonder how he plays it so finely.


Your turn ;)
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Chronos-X said:
I will add as a side-note that Slash never really got that bit good again live either - he probably just went absolutely fret-potty on the take and didn't think about it too much.

Hah, knew I wasn't alone, thats three of us so far.

He proberly took a hundred takes and chose the best!

(I'm off on holiday till friday so I expect more replies. Lose the ego! ;) :D )

Oh and definately Battery, the triplet riff thing.... eludes me!
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