The idea of inhaling smoke?

12 May 2022
In the cloud
It's a strange thought in todays society isn't it?
Who was the first person to think of burning something and inhaling it? and why?
I'm thinking it must have been for medical reasons?
What do you mean was, it's still used today for some conditions.

I think there are lots of things that if invented now wouldn't be legalised or popular, drinking alcohol for one.
I remember watching a Panorama episode on drugs once and they said if alcohol was invented today, it would be a class A.
I remember watching a Panorama episode on drugs once and they said if alcohol was invented today, it would be a class A.
I think it's similar to how things are in America so engrained in culture and history that they just can't remove them. But if it was a new thing it wouldn't be allowed and if you thought about it, we'd be better off without.
It's a strange thought in todays society isn't it?
Who was the first person to think of burning something and inhaling it? and why?
I'm thinking it must have been for medical reasons?

My guess would be that the two things (burning, inhaling) were not originally intentionally connected. My guess would be that the burning part was part of the daily routine of life back then. Make a fire in the firepit in the centre of your roundhouse for cooking and heating. Using whatever flammable stuff you could get hold of. Initially by chance, someone used something that would have a drug effect when burnt and inhaled. A fair few plants do. Inhaling some of the smoke would be unavoidable when cooking. Or maybe someone climbed upwards into the smokier part of the space under the roof to fetch some meat that had been hung there to smoke it to help preserve it.

Or maybe you're right and it was for medical reasons. There were all sorts of ideas about medicine before people learned more. Health problems caused by your body containing too much cool damp essence? Inhale something hot and dry. Obvious! Just one weird trick!
Speaking from my own experience, I was fascinated by smoking when I was young so no surprise that I started when I was around 13. I enjoyed it for a good few years, struggled to get away from it for longer but then I realised that it was just a way of taking my mind off the boredom of life so decided to just ignore / accept how boring life is instead, and quit (same with alcohol). I wouldn't personally recommend spending too long looking for logical explanations for human behaviour, as someone who wasted a good few years of my life doing so.
When I was a kid, people thought smoking was cool. Years later though, with our understanding of what it does to the body, reality bites and a lot of people have stopped smoking or simply don't start.
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