The IT Crowd

28 Sep 2004
I hope this hasn't already got an uptodate thread on it but it's been on tonight, as a double episode and I thought it was going to be rubbish in all honestly.

And most of it is, although the 2nd episode hasn't finished yet I've just nearly wet myself laughing at that bloke also in Garth Meringue's Darkplace, with the glasses, he is the only person worth laughing at. Anyways check this out just for him. :D :D

What do you think of it?


edit: "stand up straight" "now i can't read it" "i am a giddey goat"

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ramirez said:
In my missus' school they call the IT department 'middle earth'

At ours they call it 'bag end' not sure why all this relates to lord of the rings though! :p

Hopefully the 3rd ep will be on soon so I can enjoy the delights of Richard Ayoade, the only funny guy on the programme :)
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