The "Jingle bells" deodorant advert

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
"We asked women to wear Jingle bells so they could see how much they moved."

Is this not the most insulting bizarre advert on tv at the moment?

I want my 30s seconds back, In fact next time im riding a bike or playing tennis im going to put some "jingle" bells on to make me realize im moving.

cool advert story bro.

Carry on. Lunch time now or soon
Go to Thailand.

I like you.

On topic, the advert wasn't really offensive, but I do understand your outrage at stupid things like that. The Gillette adverts currently showing get to me big time "Less TUG AND PULL". Tug and pull? That's the same thing, stop trying to coin idiotic catchy phrases :mad:
I actually think the "jingle Bells" are a great idea. You can hear when the woman steps out of the kitchen so you can falcon punch the bitch back into her place...
The Gillette adverts currently showing get to me big time "Less TUG AND PULL". Tug and pull? That's the same thing, stop trying to coin idiotic catchy phrases :mad:
I HATE that advert. It's so false. It's obviously not a gym, it's 5 cross trainers in a warehouse with some fake walls. They're not gym members, they're actors - and crap ones at that. He's not a presenter, he's a ****.

Also, why is there a camera crew BEHIND him, but he's talking to a camera in front of him???

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Haha I like that others are as vexed by the ad as I am. I've been expressing my rage at it to our lass for a while now.

I find it a bit insulting that they thought women wouldn't realise they moved around a lot, until Sure provided some bells! A woman playing tennis didn't realise she was moving around a lot? Seriously...
It is awful, I hate adverts. who is influenced by this stuff. :(

The one that annoys me most at the moment is the one where she has laser eye surgery and now "it's like HD". no love if you could only see in 1080p (we will assume fullHD to be kind) you wouldn't have very good vision at all.
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