The Joker

5 Aug 2003

Well I assumed it was from some crap metal band, as I didn't know there was another Batman being made...
As we knew on Thursday, a viral marketing effort had begun for "The Dark Knight" with this website serving as a political ad for Aaron Eckhart's character of Harvey Dent campaigning for Gotham District Attorney in the upcoming "Batman Begins" sequel.

Now, over the weekend, Joker cards were “found” spread all over a comic book store in Southern California with the words "Ha Ha Ha I Believe in Harvey Dent Too." A few hours later, up went the website which results in the same promo image seemingly defaced by the Joker.

Cute, but nothing of note really. An input box asked for users to submit their e-mail address, and those who did received a link with co-ordinates. Once entered, each co-ordinate removed a 1x1 pixel from an image - an image that seems to be Heath Ledger's new look as The Joker in the film.

When I tested it about twelve hours ago, the image was half revealed - a collection of spots really, but features were showing up. Now this image has emerged over at batman-on-film which reveals the pic in full. The visage certainly fits in with Nolan's more real and dark take on the character, one wonders how they're going to keep this whole thing PG-13.
The image has been removed from and has been replaced with "Page not found". However, if you highlight the entire page you see lots of "haha"'s with random letters in between. When the letters are assembled they say "See you in December".

It's all very strange. Even if it is a fake (still no conclusive proof, the domian was registered through a proxy which could be keeping in the spirit of viral marketing), it's a very convincing one.
Whether this is official or not, it has generated quite a lot of attention, so advertising or fan based, at least it's been successful in building hype for the next film.
I really cant wait for this movie. As much as Jack Nicholson was ok in the Tim Burton Batman, I really think Chris Nolan hit the spot with Batman Begins.

Not too sure on Heath Ledger as the Joker though
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