The Joy of Breaking down :(

18 Nov 2011
Rambling post is rambling

So yeah, Broke down for the first time yesterday, what fun that was...

Went to start bike Yesterday morning and it chugged a little and then started after about 5 seconds, I thought nothing of it because at 6am it was quite cold and figured it was due to that. It didn't miss a beat on the way into work (36 mile ish Luton to London) then started straight away on leaving work. Got just passed J4 on the M1 North and my ABS light came on.... I instantly thought "Oh Crap, That cannot be good" so started to pull over and as I slowed down the bike just conked out and wouldn't even turn over.

Got off took Helmet, Jacket etc off and tried it again. Dials got part way around then spazzed out a little, Neutral light went off, ABS light came on and dials fadded, Clutched it and tried to start it.....nothing. Slight click from the electrics but nothing else. Took seat off and checked all fuses and connections all was fine so off I trundled to get a bit safer and call my insurance... and here the fun began.

Oh no sir there is no record of break down cover on your policy at least not with us, Try the RAC as we do sell some policy's over to them. I couldn't even log into my account online as their website was down and the number on the front page was for blinking new policies only...oh and their helpdesk leave at 6pm

Called the RAC and nothing again, so had to pay £109 for them to come out and help me, The woman on the phone assured me that someone would be with me within 40 minutes as I was on the motorway and was therefore classed as a priority. An Hour went by and nothing, hour and 20 then I got a phone call saying the engineer was on his way and would be with me in another 20-30 minutes..... I broke down at approximately 17:20, The guy arrived at just gone 8pm. I was bloody cold and fed up at this point. He charged my battery for me and off I went.

Bloody Motorbikes, Bloody Insurance Companies.... Bloody Everything.
hehe, It was my first and I'm sure it will not be my last. I called my insurers today to have a bit of a rant at them and they instantly gave me £150 compensation, updated my policy and offered to get the breakdown guys out to come and take my bike to the nearest repair shop for nothing. Fair play to them was just blinking frustrating being stuck at the side of the M1 for the best part of 4 hours with no shelter and no where to sit
If there's one thing I allways make sure is included in my insurance, it's break down recovery, just for the piece of mind.
Surprisingly I picked this insurance as it had break down cover as standard, Even when I called my insurer yesterday they confirmed I do in fact have break down cover so they don't know why the break down guys weren't seeing this. I believe I also get break down cover via my bank so will be activating that but if not ill get it via the AA or something as an additional just incase.

I Ride a Suzuki DL650 (Vstrom)

Other half is brining a volt/Multi meter home tonight so I can check the battery when the bike is not running and when it is so I can see if a charge is going in as expected to help narrow the issue down before taking it in to have work done.

I rode the bike 22 mile after the charge and have started it 4 times and left it running for approximately 5 minutes at a time since then with not a single issue, I was quite surprised for the battery to go as well. Admittedly it did just die a day after I gave the bike a good cleaning as it hadn't had one for nearly a month and a half so was caked in muck... I may have gotten some water in somewhere it wasn't meant to go and killed something.
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Well just checked battery. 11.7v Sat in my garage and 11.1 when running so id guess it is not charging :(
Yeah I read it should be at a 12.4/5 minimum and it dropped even lower when idle so didnt bother checking anything else. Probably should have so will check those again tonight.
Turns out my Stator went... needed a rewind and testing. Also needed a new battery so with that a bar end replacement, new wing mirrors and a new Indicator housing its cost me a lovely £430 to get it sorted :(

Bloody Bikes.
It is all done now. Tbh, I could have probably sourced it all easily but I simply do not have the time at the moment to do it myself.... Or the space. Plus with it costing me £39 a day at the moment to get to work I needed it working ASAP
The RAC just sent a car guy out who charged the battery and said if I needed a tow he would have to call for a guy with a trailer so that wasn't ideal.

I have spoken to my insurers and have dedicated motorcycle break down cover now but tempted to get a second external policy as not 100% sure if I trust them after last time.
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