10 stone wet through woman physically beating up 14 stone meathead men with absolute ease - Check
"Never send boys to do a woman's job" stereotyped script - Check
Storyline thats been done a literal million times before (Hitman leaves someone alive after a job, bad guys come for survivor, hitman looks after survivor and takes everyone down) - Check
Z-List "actor" in one of the lead roles (Cantona) - Check
Waning ex-Hollywood star doing any role they can find (Sam Worthington) - Check
Remake of a "classic but niche" film (well sort of anyway) but without the charm of the original - Check

Outside of being a John Woo remake of a John Woo original film, what exactly is the "Unique Selling Point" of this film that will make people think "Yesssss, I've GOT to see this movie!!!!" because I just can't see one.

The original 1989 trailer with Chow Yun-Fat for comparison -

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The original was one of my favourite movies, introduced me to John Woo and Chow Yun Fat, went on to watch all their movies.. This looks terrible.
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