The Kooks (& Interpol)

28 Sep 2004
I've recently purchased these albums from a £25 gift voucher from HMV from christmas and I can say they are both very good albums:

The Kooks - Inside In/Inside Out
Interpol - Antics

There are some very good songs by the Kooks, I had only heard one song by them on the radio; You Don't Love Me, and that was enough for me to buy that album tbh, great songs such as 'She moves in her own way'. I can't think who they remind me of though, anyways yeh Interpol are just good. Oh, and I also recently acquired the Test Icicles album which is spiffingly alternative.

What d'ya reckon about these then?

(oh and I have another £25 hmv voucher; what albums can I buy next?!)
We are Scientists - oh yeh i've heard good things about them, and I know what you mean about the Kooks in a sense, but that might be one reason why I like it. Currently around all the mainstream people at 6th form everyone is bumming out Panic! at the disco, and they were my cup of tea back in september or whenever but I've grown tiresome of their over energeticness!

Anyways yeh, I'll check out We Are Scientists, and some other alternative stuff.
And I'm back from Leeds now, I came away with the We Are Scientists album 'with Love and Squalor' I'm really liking it so far, not taking it in greatly though. :)

Used up my voucher also buying Elephant and Hide & Seek dvd's though so hm.
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