Scam said:
AFAIK, Dr. Garrigan is a combination of a lot of different people that did exist.
The film “Last King of Scotland,” is based on the novel by Giles
Foden. The physician, Scotsman Nicholas Garrigan is a fictional
character; however during a 1998 interview, Giles Foden said he used
conversations with Bob Astles, widely perceived to have been Amin's
closest advisor, to construct Garrigan's character.
“The Last King of Scotland is an award-winning first novel by
journalist Giles Foden. A UK film adaptation was released in the U.S.
on 27 September 2006.”
“Its fictional protagonist, Scotsman Nicholas Garrigan, relates how he
came to be the personal physician and confidante of Idi Amin, the
president by coup d'etat of Uganda from 1971-1979.”
“The author evokes the form of a memoir by inserting fictional
newspaper articles, journal entries, and authentic events.”
“During a 1998 interview with the online magazine Boldtype, Foden said
he used conversations with Bob Astles, widely perceived to have been
Amin's closest advisor, to construct Garrigan's character. As a
British soldier who worked his way into Amin's favor, Astles was much
more "proactive than Garrigan", according to Foden, but paid the price
by spending six and a half years in a Ugandan jail after Amin's fall.”
In other words - it didn't happen.