Cool another childhood memory wrecked.

Things like this were cool because playing an Arcade game, BEING part of an arcade game was new and awesome.

How do you convince a modern child that being a pilot/gunner of a spaceship is "cool" when they can spend all their free time playing EVE, Elite dangerous or Whatever BF4 is out next....

Good luck to them. I think it will suck given the Hardware needed.
Never understood why people act like reboots/remakes destroy their memory of the original tbh.

Anyway, it's at least being done by the guy that was responsible for the original, so that's something.
Dunno for me because it brings an un-needed comparison.

Also talk to someone who's younger than yourself and you get bemused looks for example
when you mention Arnie in Total Recall and they automatically think of Collin Farrell.

Its a shame...
Yeah, it does invite comparisons. However, they usually end up in favour of the original in most cases and also brings the fact that there was an original to younger audiences who might not have been aware of it, so it can actually be a good thing - especially when they inevitably find that snazzier effects don't necessarily equal a better movie ;) There are always exceptions to that rule though, seeing as some people are more into looks over substance/movie magic/charm etc. Those people can do one :p

As for Total Recall, I don't think many even remember much about the remake tbh. I know I don't :D

At the end of the day, we'll always have and remember the originals no matter what they come up with.
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Hollywood is so devoid of ideas these days its scary .... I know they say there are only 7 types of story , but going back to moves and making them again is sad .. Ok there are exceptions ( magnificent 7 / 7 samurai ) .

I wont be watching the all female ghostbusters ... still making angry on that one .... why all female ? Just to make it more pc ?
I'll just leave this here.

The film stands on its own, even though its dated. I feel that way about most 80s films though compared to new stuff so I could be biased.

I would have liked a film to continue the story. With the main characters taking more mature/advanced roles. I expect a chunk of the cast would jump at the chance to be in another film.

Other than feeding off the name and using the same crew of chaps it doesn't sound like the TV series will take much from the name.

The whole thing will have to be planned and filmed to work without VR so that it can be shown on traditional screens. That makes the VR stuff optional, so there wont be much of it. Then it has to be compatible with X different headsets?
Film was kinda cool for a first watch but repeated watches make the film really cheesy and poor. I liked it then but not now i think its a meh film.

A reboot might actually not be too bad, depends on who they cast and if the writing is good and if there is decent space stuff in and not just land stuff in with boring drama between ppl.
Such good memories as a kid watching this, one of the first vhs tapes i bought:):)

There is something about the 80's that you just can't create again no matter how good it is.
Film was kinda cool for a first watch but repeated watches make the film really cheesy and poor. I liked it then but not now i think its a meh film.

A reboot might actually not be too bad, depends on who they cast and if the writing is good and if there is decent space stuff in and not just land stuff in with boring drama between ppl.

yeah i agree - i saw the film at the time and i did enjoy it, but objectively it isn't that great. A lot 80's films stand the test of time, this one doesn't imo.
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