US: The Leftovers

19 May 2005
Glasgow, Rock City.
Anyone picking this up? I'm approaching with extreme caution because it's a Damon Lindelof effort, but the premise is pretty interesting and it's supposedly quite good around the mid season mark. First two episodes are directed by Peter Berg of Friday Night Lights (the film) Hancock and Battleship fame.

The Leftovers takes place in the wake of a global "Rapture" and centers on the people who were not taken but were left behind in a suburban community.

It's got a decent cast; Justin Theroux, Liv Tyler and Christopher Eccelston among others. On the whole I enjoyed Lost, so I'm a bit more confident of Lindelof's involvement here, particularly given that its an HBO show. Time will, of course, tell.

The pilot is a little shaky but it's got a lot of potential. Here's hoping it doesn't go the way of FlashForward.
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