The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - As a PC gamer, am I missing something?

31 May 2005

It seems as though this thing is sweeping the boards regarding "reviews" and many are calling it a contender or just the flat out, "Best game EVER".


I am old by gamer standards and to be honest, have never been a console gamer.

Started with the old 8-bit home computers, Spectrum, Amiga then onto PC. I dabbled with an Original Gameboy, a NES in my younger days and a DS at some point and I did have a Wii (less said the better) but that is it.

Looking at the coverage for Breath of the Wild that is out there, Youtube, Twitch streams etc, I do not see "Best game ever" material. Sure, the odd thing will make my spider senses tingle, but definitely no wood.

I do not see any one game mechanic which looks revolutionary or "not seen that before".

Sure, what I do see does seem "solid" but the "game" aspect is lost on me.

Am I alone in these thoughts?
Am I missing something?

Does having no emotional attachment to the franchise possibly cloud my judgement?
i enjoyed playing super mario type games to completion.some may class as kiddie type games but the fun is there and many adults play them.

I would agree however the problem is purchasing a piece of hardware which has lets be honest, ZERO third party support to play a new first party release once every year or so if lucky.

The sales for third party games are simply not there on Nintendo nowadays.

Yes, it is a "chicken and egg" thing but it is the way it is and Nintendo do NOTHING to encourage that growth.

Shame they won't bring it to PC

It is only down to sheer stubbornness that they do not.

The money is there, the only thing they have to lose is their pride.

The world has changed, I see no reason why they cannot go "Multi platform" with their releases.

One reason I can think is their games will be judged against a wider playing field and I do not think they want that.
I felt exactly the same with The Last of Us also by the way

I tried that on PS Now having heard so much about it.

I was disappointed.

Some games age more than others I guess. That is one game which apparently had not aged well.

Regarding Zelda, I may pick it up but £330 for console and game with no other games appealing at present is hard to swallow. I will wait till Autumn and see how the land lies with new/upcoming releases. If you add on extra controllers for local multiplayer which is Nintendo supposed strong point, you can say £450 for console, 2 controllers and 2 games with one of those being single player.
What makes a game great?
1 - Having one single unique aspect?

I was trying to understand why it was getting good critic scores.

Forgive me for not believing them of all people :D

A week since launch and it does seem to be that the scores are genuine but it still amazes me that Nintendo have managed to get something right inspite of their previous decade of brain *****.
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