The log without a name!

8 Oct 2009

A bit more info about me and what I've been doing the past 2 years can be read here.

This is my first log ever so I keep track of what I am doing.

I am following this program.

Yesterday was the first 5x5.

1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 30kg

Bench Press
5x5 - 20kg

Barbell Rows
5x5 - 30kg

On the squats warmup I felt some pain in my upper back and tightness in my right quads.
The back is fine now, but the right quads are still tight and when i bend (squat position) it hurts a bit.... Don't know if I pulled something or just muscle fatigue.
I don't think it was form as I've been doing squats for 2 years now with 60kg+!

Next will be
Squats @ 32.5kg
OHP @ 20kg
Deadlift @ 60kg

Let's see how it goes!
Last session for the week yesterday...

1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 35kg

Bench Press
5x5 - 22.5kg

Barbell Rows
5x5 - 32.5kg

The bench press is feeling really easy tbh... maybe because I used to bench 40kg before starting this program
Yesterday was another session!

1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 37.5kg

5x5 - 22.5kg

1x5 - 65kg (need to adjust grip as i'm not putting one hand opposite the other)

All in all a good session... The OHP were not easy but not difficult either, same for the deadlift, but not sure if it's a form problem or it's because of the weight.
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1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 40kg

Bench Press
5x5 - 25kg

Barbell Rows
5x5 - 35kg

Squats are starting to feel 'heavy'. I guess it's because I did them 2 times in a row (monday, tuesday).
Barbell rows are ok, not easy but not difficult either.
Bench Press still feels easy.

I am taking 45sec-1min rest between sets instead of the usual 1 min 30 sec, because I don't feel I need that much.
Yesterday was the last session for the week!

1x10 - 20kg warmup
1x5 - 30kg warmup
5x5 - 42.5kg

1x5 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 25kg

1x5 - 60kg warmup
1x5 - 70kg

OHP as usual were tough and yesterday actually felt really difficult, so I took the full 1min 30 sec rest between sets.
Deadlift was tough as well if I'm honest. I am not sure if my form on deadlifts is correct though, will need to check out some videos to make sure.
Yesterday's session

1x10 - 20kg warmup
1x10 - 32.5kg warmup
5x5 - 45kg

Bench Press
1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 27.5kg

Barbell Rows
1x10 - 30kg warmup
5x5 - 37.5kg

Yeah these last 2 sessions, I've been really feeling it getting harder and heavier.

Except the Bench Press... that still feels easy tbh!

I am actually afraid of the OHP for tonight. It's the toughest exercise by far.
Another session yesterday!

1x10 - 20kg warmup
1x10 - 32.5kg warmup
5x5 - 47.5kg

1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 27.5kg

1x5 - 60kg warmup
1x5 - 75kg

Squats - are getting harder and harder, but going at a steady rate. Doing squats on mondays and tuesdays though is really starting to take it's toll as for tuesday it's really hard since I'm a bit sore.

OHP - were almost impossible to finish. I was struggling from the first set. The second and third set were ok (way better than the first), then the last two sets were really hard. I can see me being stuck on this in the next session or two (and I don't want to do a push press).

Deadlift - surprisingly enough felt easier than last time with the 70kg, I don't really know why, but happy about this.
my quads and hamstrings mostly... but not that bad either... it's just that squatting one day after the other exactly, in the second day I start feeling some soreness while doing squats... but really really mild soreness (I was used to much more when I used to squat 60kg-70kg before).

Stretching is something I need to start doing as I've not been doing it at all.

After the 3 exercises I always have a 5-10 min run on the treadmill, depending on how I feel (speed of 8km/h for 2.5 mins and 11km/h for 2.5mins, alternating). During this on monday I felt some pain in my quads but again nothing I could not push through. Yesterday I felt the pain in the squats but not on the treadmill!
Do you use one at the gym or have your own? Looking at buying one but they seem to range from <£10 to £50+!

I was training with a personal trainer before, and they had the roller's at the gym.

Ever since I changed the gym (PT was too expensive), there is no more roller.

Can anyone suggest some stretching exercises to improve mobility that I should do after every workout that work nicely with stronglifts?

last session for the week yesterday!

1x10 - 20kg warmup
1x5 - 35kg warmup
5x5 - 50kg

Bench Press
1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 30kg

Barbell Rows
1x10 - 30kg warmup
5x5 - 40kg

Very nice session this was. Felt great on everything :)
didnt manage to go to the gym yesterday!

Will go today... looks like it's going to be a 2 day gym week and next week I will be abroad so will be a 1 day gym week
another workout yesterday

1x10 - 20kg warmup
1x5 - 35kg warmup
1x5 - 45kg warmup
5x5 - 52.5kg

1x10 - 20kg warmup
5x5 - 30kg

1x5 - 60kg warmup
1x5 - 80kg

Squats were ok
OHP was almost impossible. I really struggled on the first 4 sets. 5th one was ok for some reason.
Deadlift the warmup felt easy. But when I came to do the 80kg one it was really hard.

Managed to do everything, but don't know how long i will keep increasing before stopping (OHP and Deadlift).
back to the gym yesterday after 2 and a half weeks break (a week abroad and a week sick and still am :()

The app suggested to deload by 20% to avoid soreness, but I just decided to continue normally.

1x5 - 20kg warmup
1x3 - 30kg warmup
1x3 - 40kg warmup
5x5 - 55kg

Bench Press
1x5 - 20kg warmup
1x5 - 25kg warmup
5x5 - 32.5kg

Barbell Rows
1x5 - 30kg warmup
5x5 - 42.5kg

Everything felt great and not too difficult! It's good to be back!
i was pretty sick yesterday evening, but decided to go to the gym anyway...

The power rack was taken for over 30 mins... so i've decided to skip it and only did 30 mins of running...

My legs are still very sore after monday's workout... Hopefully they will be better for tomorrow!
Last session for the week was yesterday...

1x5 - 20kg warmup
1x3 - 30kg warmup
1x3 - 50kg warmup
5x5 - 57.5kg

1x3 - 20kg warmup
1x3 - 25kg warmup
5x5 - 32.5kg

1x5 - 70kg warmup
1x5 - 85kg

Felt great yesterday... only struggled a bit on the OHP 1st and 2nd sets.
Deadlift felt great as well which kind of surprised me as last time (3 weeks ago @ 80kg) i really struggled!
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