The Machinist

5 Dec 2004
South West
I watched this the other night. I quite liked it, I liked the pacing and how everything became very clear at the end of the film while keeping you confused throughout.

I did think Christian Bales was perhaps a poor choice in the casting, his voice didn't really fit how I had imagined Trevor to sound like and I did feel that there wasn't much point to the film but I dunno.

Anyone else seen it? what did you think?
I thought it was pretty good, nothing to shout about though.

Dunno if it was the plot or just the way they went about making the film based on it, but it seemed like they were aiming for something in a similar genre to Memento, but didn't quite pull it off.

Watched a film called Stay last weekend which kinda falls into the same group too. Again, not outstanding but well worth watching if you like this sort of thing.
I quite liked it, and actually think Christian Bale is very good. I think it would have been a worse film without him.

Check out Harsh Times, another CB film which might divide viewers, as he once again goes for big over the top characterisation, which on one hand might be considered overacting, but on the other hand (and this is my feeling) marks him out as one of the best young character actors about.
Great film, what CB did to his body for this film shows just how dedicated an actor he is. Brilliant actor imho.
banja said:
I quite liked it, and actually think Christian Bale is very good. I think it would have been a worse film without him.

Check out Harsh Times, another CB film which might divide viewers, as he once again goes for big over the top characterisation, which on one hand might be considered overacting, but on the other hand (and this is my feeling) marks him out as one of the best young character actors about.

Watched Harsh Times last weekend and was slightly disappointed. Seemed very similar to Training Day (The directors other movie) but with a different angle to it (ie not cops).
Whilst an enjoyable film, I felt it had quite a cop-out proto-fight club ending which you could see from a mile off.

Bale is indeed a legend - his commitment to films is amazing - cannot wait for Dark Knight :cool:

The Machinist was a good film ... little odd at times but his bodily state was the main draw as I had seen him in Equilibrium shortly before I saw this and the difference was pretty astounding!
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