The Mad Catz software for the RAT mouse

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
I have only ever really used one profile so never had any issues but I'm looking now at having three profiles, one my normal Windows profile, second BF3 and 3rd WOW.

Now my thinking is that as you cycle through the modes on the mouse so colours red, blue and purple each colour will represent the profile I have chosen?

So why when I go on the software and open a profile does it automatically go to Mode 1 everytime?

Any ideas?
"as you cycle through the modes on the mouse so colours red, blue and purple each colour will represent the profile I have chosen" - your thinking is spot on here as this is how it works, as for the question I'm not 100% sure, I just know that the when you load the software it stays on the mode you had selected from before, and even if you turn your system off and reboot it later it will stay on the mode you had selected before you turned it off, only time it doesnt do this is if you have the pc turned off at the wall.
Not overly helpful :P dont know why it doesnt automatically load mode 1, but at worst its only ever 2 clicks away lol
You can set up a startup profile by right clicking on the profile you want to use and selecting startup profile, not much help, but I have never been able to get the mode button to switch my profile, and I have had 2 RAT 5's, I emailed support at madcatz and they just gave me some generic trouble shooting rubbish.
I've not had that problem myself, my mode button switched between profiles as intended but I did have an issue or two originally when I first got my mouse that it would install as a generic device as opposed to rat 7, after this no real problems
You cannot switch profiles from the mouse.

Each Profile has three different modes for binding settings, 1 through 3 represented by the colours.

Profiles themselves are selected from the software (Most easily by the Systray icon). You can also right click a profile and configure it as a startup profile IE - The default one you want to use.

Rat only has mode switching from the hardware, not profile switching.


Profiles contain 3 modes
Modes are represented by the Red/Blue/Pink selector button on the hardware
Profiles can only be changed at software level
Thanks guys, I actually downloaded something called Cyborg Auto -profiler that you can change profiles as per .exe or processes. Works great now.
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