The Matrix

6 Jun 2006
After watching all three films at least 5-6 times, I still wonder what they hell happens at the end. I'm pretty sure it's obvious, but I just don't get it.

lollollol spoilers below. ;)

Neo goes to the machines and asks to be jacked in to fight the rogue agent, Smith. The machine then asks what if you fail, then Neo says he won't.

Bring on wahey CGI fight scene. Neo dies, but then, so does Smith. Now, the machines didn't like smith as he took over the Matrix and made it his own, so, why didn't they just kill him in the first place without Neo getting involved?

Gah! Anyone shed some light please? :p
Woody__ said:
As far as I understood it (I'm probably wrong) Smith became a virus because of Neo. Smith was like all the bad in Neo, basically. The only one that one could be destroyed was if the other one died too.

I think because Neo proved he was strong than the machines he basically embued the virus Smith was the same resilience.

tTz said:
That's what I thought, too. I also thought that Smith became 'unplugged' from the Matrix when Neo 'killed' him, and so the machines couldn't just delete him. My understanding of it was that when Smith 'took over' Neo (no idea what the proper term for that would be), he transferred himself into something that was hardwired into the Matrix/the machine world, and so the machines could just delete him.

Could be wrong, I dunno how much sense that makes. I really wish the ending had lived up to the the potential of the trilogy. I watched Reloaded recently, and it wasn't actually as bad as I remembered it. Can't be bothered with Revolutions again though, tis a bit long. :o

I finally get it. 10 win points, and 5 roxxor points to you. ;)
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