8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved
Pricing says all that is neccessary! :):):):):):):) Only till 5pm tomorrow!

Boogie Bug AimB.Pad XL Gaming Mouse Surface @ £7.99 inc VAT


The AimB.Pad has been especially designed for gamers looking for precision, fluidity and the perfect harmony between slide and friction. This XL version also represents an essential tool for graphics designers, architects and other users looking for precision and wide movements. Its surface has been made with flexible textile material that not only assures fluidity and precision in the movements, but also allows the AimB.Pad to be folded, rolled up and transported.

- Dimensions: 450mm x 900mm

Only £7.99 inc VAT.


Boogie Bug AimB.Pad "Extreme" XXL Gaming Mouse Surface @ £12.98 inc VAT


We thought that the Aim.B Pad was the best and biggest mouse mat of all time. But what is this? Boogie bug have designed a BIGGER and BETTER pad! With a massive foot print of 120cm wide and 60cm deep your mouse, keyboard and desk will look smaller than ever.

The AimB.Pad has been especially designed for gamers looking for precision, fluidity and the perfect harmony between slide and friction. This XXL version also represents the same properties as the XL so it remains an essential tool for graphics designers, architects and other users looking for precision and wide movements. Its surface has been made with flexible textile material that not only assures fluidity and precision in the movements, but also allows the AimB. Extreme Pad to be folded, rolled up and transported.

If you don't want a new mouse pad then you should buy this anyway - you can use it as a quilt, a blanket or even as a dinner table cover!

- Dimensions: 120cm x 60cm

Only £12.98 inc VAT.

Payday tomorrow, Shall treat myself to a proper gaming surface....Now all I need is a decent mouse and you know...a Gaming Rig.

I shall christen the new mat using Command and Conquer decades though :p
wonder if u can run this under a tap to clean it without degradation ?

many folks have had it in the washing machine without any problems, so can't imagine a running tap will do it any harm. that said, why not just use a couple of baby wipes, or a damp cloth - both of which I've done on mine without any issues
My old one has stains from arctic silver and super glu and even after washing looks a bit grubby so I was glad to get in on the deal :)
aww missed out :(

Me too :( ......... but still ordered 2 :D

Going to get some strange looks when I roll this out on my work desk.

Plus, I can see Mrs S saying something about it too.....hopefully she will stop greeting over the AK47 mouse mat i have already :p

edit:- Yep some very weird looks with this on my desk....this thing is fing huge too...shame I have a curvy desk and some of it hangs over the edge..may break out the stanley knife for this one....
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I managed to get one in time, I have to say, my mouse doesn't track as smoothly as on my steelseries qck+, roccat taito and razer mantis control.

I think I am going to investigate this further and possibly write a review about these.

The size is impressive however perhaps they are doing something wrong. A few of my friends who are 'overly keen' on mousepads are saying the same thing to me.
what mouse if you don't mind me asking seldNofsparta?

hassle over an ak47 mousemat? maybe change it to a Kim Kardashian or Jessica alba one, she will soon come around to liking guns instead of semi naked women :p
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