The Mother Of All Android Malware Has Arrived: Stolen Appsm, That Root Your Phone, Steal Your Data,

19 Sep 2005
Just noticed this on engadget:

We're sure that the debate of a carefully controlled and curated environment like Apple's App Store versus a free-for-all like the Android Market will rage on for years to come, but here's something to chew on: Google just removed some 21 apps from the Market in the last day from a publisher going by Myournet for doing all sorts of naughty things to your device. Offenses include attempting to root your phone, uploading phone information (including IMEI) to who-knows-where, and -- most egregiously -- adding a backdoor that allows additional code to be pulled down and executed.

More info at the source here : Android Police
this is the ultimate Android Trojan to date, it’s already been downloaded over 50,000 times.

I bet that was just hilton sex sound.

Seriously though some of the stuff there like guitar solo would seem legit and I have actually downloaded the real one some time ago.
It's uncanny how quickly Android is becoming the Windows of the smartphone world. Before long people will have to run anti-virus and firewall software on their smartphones. I bet Norton and McAfee are rubbing their hands together with glee!

I already run AVG anti virus software on my desire :eek:

Probably not a lot of use for most viruses but it makes me feel a bit better :p
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