The music on Hollyoaks..

27 Dec 2002
Oh the embarrassment of having to admit it was on my TV :o But does anyone know what that piece of music was at the beginning of it directly after the titles (during what i think was a fight?).

I know I have heard it before.... in fact I'm sure I have it, but can't for the life of me remember what it was.
I was actually going to make a thread about this on a Hollyoaks forum (until I unfortunately couldn't find one, irony?).

This music makes me sick, it actually makes my stomach quench in fustration as to how this change in theme tune ever made it past the scepticism stages.


There was nothing wrong with the Hollyoaks theme tune, it was dramatic yet quite cool and groovy, it definately made the show express a serious tone and something its target audience can relate to.


It's terrible, it sounds like the sort of faecal matter bands like Busted and Mcfly leisurely blurted out their amplifiers except thank the lord it doesn't have some foul lyrics to blend this soup of defecation.

Third and Finally,

It's completely ruined the show, I used to enjoy Hollyoaks (yes, I enjoyed), since the change of the theme tune, I actually cannot watch it any more, as previously mentioned, the song is so painful to listen to that I've actually turned the television off and retreated to the dark bathroom where I engage in self harming rituals praying to the good man himself that he'll punish the faggot who approved of the new song appearing on Hollyoaks.

I feel very strongly about this :P
Um... I'm not talking about the theme tune :confused: But I think there has been a thread already either in here or in GD about the theme tune change

EDIT: AAhhh never mind - it was Open Heart Zoo - Martin Grech
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Muban said:
Um... I'm not talking about the theme tune :confused: But I think there has been a thread already either in here or in GD about the theme tune change

EDIT: AAhhh never mind - it was Open Heart Zoo - Martin Grech

damn, I ranted for no reason,sorry for pwning your thread :(

well, i have to ask now, the theme tune is rubbish right?
I watched hollyoaks today for the first time in a long while, what have they done to the intro music? Its terrible! Also is it just me or does the intro footage seem more sexually orientated that it was before?
Phalanx said:
I was actually going to make a thread about this on a Hollyoaks forum (until I unfortunately couldn't find one, irony?).

This music makes me sick, it actually makes my stomach quench in fustration as to how this change in theme tune ever made it past the scepticism stages.


There was nothing wrong with the Hollyoaks theme tune, it was dramatic yet quite cool and groovy, it definately made the show express a serious tone and something its target audience can relate to.


It's terrible, it sounds like the sort of faecal matter bands like Busted and Mcfly leisurely blurted out their amplifiers except thank the lord it doesn't have some foul lyrics to blend this soup of defecation.

Third and Finally,

It's completely ruined the show, I used to enjoy Hollyoaks (yes, I enjoyed), since the change of the theme tune, I actually cannot watch it any more, as previously mentioned, the song is so painful to listen to that I've actually turned the television off and retreated to the dark bathroom where I engage in self harming rituals praying to the good man himself that he'll punish the faggot who approved of the new song appearing on Hollyoaks.

I feel very strongly about this :P

:o first result on google
xiphrex said:
Also is it just me or does the intro footage seem more sexually orientated that it was before?
yep thats what i was thinking ;)
not bad visually but as said it just looks stupid and its not as if there was a reason behind changing the intro :confused:
my girl friend watches this, the only part i look forward to is the spinning playstation 2's in the credits at the end (have a look there's loads of them :p )

-edit, have no idea why someone would put this on the tube, but the credits were on there!

PS2 :D
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bledd. said:
my girl friend watches this, the only part i look forward to is the spinning playstation 2's in the credits at the end (have a look there's loads of them :p )

-edit, have no idea why someone would put this on the tube, but the credits were on there!

PS2 :D

Haha never noticed the PS2's before :p They're the old credits by the way. New ones are plain terrible :o
great, now i have a good reason not to watch any of the show :p

its funny how they kill off a wave of characters at a time, like in a school fire or whatever :D
Muban said: was Open Heart Zoo - Martin Grech
I've seen him live, supporting Oceansize. Nothing like I expected having heard a couple of his songs at a mate's house. Pretty heavy and well worth a listen if you're into bands like Helmet. Gonna hunt down some of his stuff I think now you've reminded me.
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