The mute button fell off my 3g!

15 Jul 2006
1.96 to OcUK on foot
Any one else having a problem with build quality on the iphone?

Admittedly O2 took it in on a warranty repair so I'm back to my trusty Nokia 6230 that never goes wrong.

Still feel like I'm missing an arm tho.

(they reckon a 7 day turn around!)
sadly no apple store in Stoke, or even close by. the best we have is a mcc but they don't do the phones :(

still at least they agreed to sort it out and didn't charge me.

IMO i agree the 2g was built better than the 3g but i suppose they had to skimp somewhere to make it affordable.

i still keep reaching for my pocket to check something on the net..... doh
I'm a busy man.... i don't have time for jollies to the trafford centre,

(more to the point i can't afford to take my wife as i tend to come back with enough stuff to open my own shop!)

I was surprised they agreed to send mine away to be glued back together... another + for O2 i suppose. (still never had to argue with them)

edit: and no MCC don't do iphones
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10 out of 10 to apple and O2,

I have just received a replacement phone, brand new and doesn't crash all the time and the applications actually update on it!

That was a good way of getting rid of my scratched one too, i'll look after this one better!
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